Brene Brown self care quote

Self care isn’t something that comes naturally to most of us.

It is like any habit – it needs repetition, repetition, repetition!

Let these self care quotes remind you to keep building that new healthy habit! Print them out, cut them up and place them all over your house, your desk, in your car. Let these little reminders help you do like they say on the airplane and “place your oxygen mask on first:

“It’s not selfish to love yourself, take care of yourself, and to make your happiness a priority. It’s necessary.” ~Mandy Hale

“When the well is dry, we know the value of water,~ Benjamin Franklin

“Put yourself at the top of your to-do list every single day and the rest will fall into place.” – Unknown

“The most powerful relationship you will ever have is the relationship with yourself. ” – Steve Maraboli

“When you say yes to others, make sure you are not saying no to yourself.” Paulo Coelho

“Be kinder to yourself. And then let your kindness flood the world.” ―Pema Chodron

And now that you don’t have to be perfect, you can be good.– John Steinbeck

“Be gentle with yourself, you’re doing the best you can.” ~Anonymous

“An empty lantern provides no light. Self-care is the fuel that allows your light to shine brightly.”~ Unknown

“The thing that is really hard, and really amazing, is giving up on being perfect and beginning the work of becoming yourself.” ~ Anna Quindlen

self care quote

Self care quotes can help you get started,

but just like any new habit – whether it’s learning a new sport or a new musical instrument, it takes practice, practice and more practice for it be become habit.

I invite you to take the next 7 days, to consciously commit to repeating these self-care quotes again and again throughout each day and then notice how you are feeling. Are you feeling more positive about yourself? Are you feeling more balance and ease?

Another thing that would be helpful, is to begin weaving simple ways to calm stress and anxious feelings throughout the day. Get five of the thirty five techniques in my book “Goodbye Anxiety, Hello Freedom” absolutely free.

I’d love to hear how these work for you in the comments below or on social media.

Wishing for the life of your dreams, but don’t know where to start? Book your free phone consultation now. 

Originally published at


  • Stephanie Dalfonzo

    Anxiety Expert Integrative Hypnotist | Author of "Goodbye Anxiety, Hello Freedom"

    I've spent more than 20 years researching holistic, natural and scientifically ways to calm stress, anxiety and fear. I work with individuals and teams to protect their emotional health and build resilience. My two adult children, Crissi and Greg, are making their mark in the world, and live in Connecticut with Michael, my husband of over 30 years and our 2 rescue dogs, Maggie and Claire.