Have you ever felt so angry and annoyed at someone that you can’t help but leave them an incredibly scathing message criticizing some aspect of their behavior? I think I can confidently say that most people have felt this way at one point or the other. It’s common sense after all— negative inputs can create negative outcomes and the reverse holds true. Given this, it’s only human to feel some annoyance and frustration at the offending party.
When this happens, you may feel extremely tempted to write a nasty or scathing letter to the object of your frustrations, condemning them for whatever they did wrong. Sometimes doing this can be cathartic, and as long as nobody other than the author reads the message, all should be okay. But the problem arises when, consumed by anger and driven by negative emotion, you decide to send the letter to the offender in question.
As tempting as it may seem, doing this can cause several problems which can be found using the great power of common sense.
First and foremost, by doing this, know that you will be making an enemy of this person. Do you want that? Think carefully about what doing this may mean for you in the future. If this person may become someone whose approval you may want or need in the future, do you want to really burn that bridge? There are all kinds of consequences that such an action may bestow upon you, and so my advice, using common sense, is this: Turn the tables and spread positivity to everyone you encounter. It doesn’t cost a thing and has been proven to significantly improve mental well-being.
The Mayo Clinic article has an excellent approach to inject positivity into your life. Remember, the goal is to prioritize yourself! This way, you will be able to channel your negative feelings in a productive way, and also keep your relationships safe from the destructive potential of acting upon your negative feelings. Stay sensible and stay positive!