Partners in life and business, Dr. Adi Jaffe and Sophie Jaffe live by the question, “Does it light you up?” They’ve created IGNTD, a thriving wellness business, that includes a podcast, online courses and now events. They’ve invited their illuminated friends like Shaman Durek, Lindsey and Krista of the Almost 30 podcast to bring you a 3 day transformational experience to set your soul on fire.
IGNTD GLOW / October 18–20 / Los Angeles

What was the catalyst for the IGNTD GLOW event?
Adi Jaffe (AJ): The idea behind the podcast, behind IGNTD in general was to create a platform for people to get ignited! To find their purpose, to feel motivated.
There are a lot of different environments where people do this but they’re very specific, like yoga retreats or fitness conferences. We want to make something that focuses on this internal fire which encompasses many facets.
The focus always comes back to “Does it light you up?” versus does it make you stronger, more flexible, look better in shorts?
That’s what the podcast is about, we focus on relationships. Sometimes we talk about money, family, our relationship to ourselves, sex anything that matters in terms of our life relationships. We’ve had so many amazing conversations with so many people, and it’s great that people can plug into their phones and listen but we all know things get elevated when you have a personal experience. So we wanted to bring all these incredible topics to life at the IGNTD GLOW event.
For instance when we talk about spirituality, our connection to our soul, this much deeper level of who we are, Shaman Durek has helped me connect, has helped Sophie connect so he’s going to help our friends connect too. When it comes to relationships, Alexandra Roxo, Sophie and I are going to get raw and have some powerful conversations about what we’ve been through (Adi and Sophie are open about Adi’s struggles with sex and substance addiction.) We’ve also invited experts on trauma, body image, self-care, motherhood and more.
The goal is for people to have a two to three day experience (single day tickets are also available) that ignites them so that they leave feeling like their soul has caught on fire.
We’re actually kind of amazed at how receptive all our friends have been. This is our first event so we didn’t know if anybody would show up. Almost everybody we asked said, “Hell yeah let’s do it!” The people that are speaking and offering activations are just ridiculous. (Check out the line up HERE) We’re so grateful that everybody said yes.

What gets you ignited?
Sophie Jaffe (SJ): There are a lot of things that make me ignited but honestly the thing about our podcast that has been so igniting in the last two years has been our guests and the connection that we make.
My full time job is Instagram, my full time job is sitting behind my phone and connecting with people in a virtual way. As a yoga teacher and a human being the ability to connect in real time for an hour, sometimes more with these amazing and inspiring humans and then share these heartfelt conversations with thousands of listeners across the globe is the most rewarding thing. To be able to share these feelings in the flesh with many of our listeners and friends at GLOW is seriously lighting me up. People are even flying in for this event.
In our fast paced world it’s really hard to have really enriching amazing conversations and connections with people face to face. Our hope is to grow the wellness and spiritual IGNTD podcast community from a virtual one to a psychical one where people can access events in cities near them or create their own meet up groups.
AJ: I always imagined IGNTD as a whole platform, something bigger than a podcast. We want to create a space where people can access information about many topics from relationships to career, mental health to physical health all through the IGNTD lens and create a community.
So at each point whether you’re listening to the podcast are engaged in one of our online courses or live events you can connect to a global community virtually and face to face. We even want to create IGNTD singles events to help people connect to purpose driven partners.
See, I’m not good at small talk. I never was. I care about things and I care about them a lot. I really only want to hang out whether for a dinner or a weekend retreat with other people that are plugged in to why they’re here. IGNTD provides a space to do this.
I really do believe that we can create a whole community almost like its own little IGNTD world where people know that when they show up they’ll get filled up by people that get them and won’t judge or shame them no matter what their specific circumstances are.

Who should come to IGNTD GLOW?
SJ: IGNTD GLOW is for anyone who needs some inspiration in their lives or is craving connection. As Adi said earlier, this is a judgment free zone. Come as you are, there’s no apologizing for what you’re going through, just come and fill your cup. We believe in authenticity and radical transparency. Whatever that looks like for you, you are welcome. IGNTD GLOW is a place for everyone to feel like they can be themselves, get ignited and leave feeling elevated.
AJ: The feedback we’ve received from the dozens of people that have already bought tickets is that they are drawn to this idea of a plugged in way of living and radical transparency that crosses all arenas.
As I said before a lot of other programs focus on a niche, like how to bring more authenticity into your love life, but what we’ve discovered in our own lives is that broader you can make it, the more you can live out your Truth (#fuckshame was created by Adi) and practice radical transparency in all areas the easier your life becomes because there’s less friction.
The people coming to IGNTD GLOW are drawn to this way of living and want to surround themselves with others that are also speaking their absolute truths.

What should IGNTD GLOW participants expect?
SJ: It depends on what they want to drop in for. Each person can curate their own experience by picking and choosing which sessions they participate in. It’s our podcast but in real time with all the hot topics that we cover coming to life in exciting new ways.
AJ: Yes, the schedule is packed. Each day we’re opening up with movement followed by talks or activations where participants will have a completely immersive experience. Each expert was hand chosen because they embody the IGNTD philosophy. The yoga teachers are amazing. As they lead us through postures the words coming out of their mouths are so inspiring you’ll leave class on fire and ready to get into the next session. The schedule is designed to flow so by the end of the day you feel full.
There’s also an add on VIP package for participants that want to experience a level beyond and don’t want to leave us at 4 or 5 o’clock. This includes dinners and lunches with some of the speakers, Sophie and me across the three days to help them integrate the experience from the moment they wake up until they go to bed. It’s an opportunity to stay connected and ignited the entire time.
We’ll be offering superfood snacks and smoothies all day, including Sophie’s Philosophie products. Perfect Foods is our official snack sponsor. If you’ve never had a Perfect Foods bar get ready because they are so good. I study addiction and these may be in class all by themselves.
There will be raffles and giveaways throughout the whole day and amazing swag bags (I talked Adi into including a copy of his book, The Abstinence Myth: A New Approach for Overcoming Addiction Without Shame, Judgment, Or Rules). It’s going to be really fun!
What’s the one thing you’re most excited for?
SJ: Human connection, to be able to connect with our community and followers in person — there’s nothing like deeply connecting with those who inspire you and light you up.
AJ: I can’t wait to sit through the sessions that I’m not part of and just absorb the magic from all these people that we have coming.
Thank you so much! I can’t wait to experience IGNTD GLOW!
IGNTD GLOW / October 18–20 / Los Angeles