In life, if you don’t plan by setting desired and achieveable goals, then you’re obviously on the gradual road to failure. Goals are like compass that helps us through the course of life.
Goals that are well set and laid out, enables you to be that person you have written down to be on both the short and long run.
It’s one thing to write down your goals, in which you want to achieve for the day, week, month ,or through out the year. And it’s another thing to willingly work towards it inorder to achieve at least 80%-95% of your laid out goals.
You might be finding it difficult to do so. You don’t need to fret, this post is here to assist you into achieving most of your laid out or written goals.
Below are simple tips that would help you into achieving your desired goals
1. Be very specific about your desired goals
When trying and working towards achieving your goals, endeavour to always be specific about your goals. In the sense that,you have finally made up your mind on the things you need to achieve.
Do not be double minded by changing your mind along the way.When you are specific about your goals it helps you to at least achieve them easily.
2. Come up with a great plan
It’s a different thing to think about what you want to do. And it’s another thing to try and carry them out. Remember these are two different things you need to always have in mind when trying to achieve your goals.
That being said, by coming up with a great plan on how to achieve your goals, it would make your goals easy to achieve and attain.
Because your writing them down,is a way of making you know the things you need to do or put in place to achieve your written goals.
3. Share your desired goals with someone you trust
By doing this, the person would also make plans with you on how to achieve your desired goals. And would also encourage you whenever you intend to give up or when you get stuck on why your plans are not going the way it/they should.
The person whom you had told and you trust, be it your spouse, your mum, or anyone else.They would daily encourage you into being the best version of you. By sticking to the laid out plans for your goals.
4. Think about the resources available
When you’ve written out your desired goals, the next thing is to also ask yourself the number of resources available to you. That will enable you achieve the goals you want to achieve.
You need to accurately, come up with things like enough or accurate amount of finances, enough time you need to invest in your written goals.
And if you intend loosing weight, the number of hours you need to spend at the gym, the diet you need to change into, etc.
These resources needs to be accurately checked and double checked. So that you don’t get stuck along the line. And loose focus because the resources are not there or are very limited.
5. Break your desired goals, into smaller bits.
One of the easiest ways to achieve your goals, is not to bombard yourself with so many goals on your list. That’s why at the beginning of this piece, I mentioned you need to be specific about your goals.
When you are specific, it becomes easier to know the goals that are the most important at the moment. And how to get them done rather than having a whole lot of goals to achieve.
And you become overwhelmed at the end of the day without achieving much or anything.
6. Take a daily step into achieving your desired goals.
Inorder to achieve your desired goals, it’s not enough to do all the above without taking a daily step into achieving it/them.
Remember, you become a product of what you do consistently and daily and not occasionally.
Therefore, endeavour to take a step daily into achieving your goals. By taking a step daily, you’d realize achieving your goals becomes way easier, and much actualizing
7. Make sure you’re making progress
This can be done, when you go over your laid out plans made earlier. And you check each day if you’re making any tangible progress .
Hence,by comparing your results over time, and if it’s positive you’d know you are doing well. And you are on the right track into achieving your desired goals.
But if it’s otherwise, then you’d know you need to re-strategize. And come up with a better plan way solid than the initial plan you had
8. Compliment yourself on your achievements
By complimenting yourself, it would actually propel you to do more. And be more productive towards achieving your goals.
When you don’t compliment yourself, you tend to get tired and loose focus and enthusiasm about your goals.
Therefore, tell yourself you can do this, you can achieve your goals. Because they would make you better and be the best version of yourself as time goes on.