Emails make communication and responses much quicker but it is important to be aware of tone and reflect on issues rather than making instant judgments.
In today’s fast-moving pace of life, emails are being used more and more frequently as a quick and convenient method of passing on information both within the work and home environment at the touch of a button. However, faster is certainly not always better as most people will at some point have pressed send after receiving a difficult email and later regretted reacting rather than reflecting on what was being communicated.
Workplace Email Tips – Most Emails do not Require Instant Replies
One of the most important things to take on board about emails is that it is simply unnecessary and ineffective use of time to feel that it is crucial to respond to an email immediately after it has been received. This only serves to interrupt one’s train of thought and unless the email is either urgent or directly related to what one is working on then it is easy to get caught up in time-wasting and unproductive communication back and forth.
Workplace Email Tips – Delete Once Replied or Move to Folder
Another practical way of keeping track of emails is to get into the habit of deleting emails once the issue has been dealt with and the matter is closed. If the matter is ongoing then it is both practical and time-saving to create a folder for the specific issue. This way whenever more communication arises concerning the issue one has all the necessary information associated with past messages readily available at the click of a button.
Besides, you should know what is an email blacklist in order to be sure that your emails are received.
This “email blacklist checker“ tool will help you to check the irrelevant emails and filter out to make you inbox fast and manageable.
Immediately deleting irrelevant emails will also help to make the inbox more manageable or consider having a miscellaneous folder for things that may be read at another time and are not directly relevant to the present time.
Time Management Email Tips – Set Aside Time to Reflect and Respond
Rather than making an instant judgment on an email, where necessary try to take time to reflect on how best to proceed. Particularly if one is dealing with an individual who tends to bat emails to and forth, it may be quicker to pick up the phone and just talk the matter through. Sometimes it can save time, in the long run, to answer in a structured, clear manner and finish dealing with the issue rather than typing a quick response and then having to reply again as a result of missing important information out.
Time Management Email Tips – Think About Email Tone
Unlike on the telephone where one can hear the tone and gauge how the person is feeling regardless of the words used, with email it can be much harder to work out exactly what is going on with the sender. Take time to think about the emotional tone of the email as this will likely then save time both in the short and long term. Often it is just as important to identify what the individual is not saying in words but unconsciously trying to express, for example through the use of exclamations, fonts, and question marks.
As highlighted above, although emails can save time they need to be handled effectively for this to be the case. Time management skills and organizational skills are key to making the most of this form of communication within the workplace.