Despite all the magical moments, amazing experiences, and moving feelings that remind you of the beauty of being alive, life also comes with some bad, worse, and could-be-a-lot-better days. Both physically and mentally, stress is something that we all deal with on a daily basis, and this often results in depressive, asocial behavior and the well-known winter blues.
We all have these “zombie” days from time to time, and what’s important is that we learn how to fight them. Give yourself permission to not always be perfectly happy, but also give your best to suppress any negativity in your life and strive to do whatever it takes to improve your mood when you’re feeling down. Below we’ve shared some of the best yet simple ways to lift your spirits when you’re going through a rough time.
1. Write
Putting your feelings on paper is one of the most effective and safest ways of letting them out. If you’re feeling anger, frustration, or heartbreak, expressing these in writing will protect you from negative outcomes and provide you with the opportunity to turn your pain into creativity.
It doesn’t matter if you consider yourself talented or not; writing about your feelings or writing to yourself will serve as a healthy self-care practice.
2. Exercise
Being physically active is one of the fastest ways to rid yourself of negativity. Even moderate exercises like walking, swimming, or cycling can release chemicals in your brain that lift your mood and strengthen your body’s resilience to cope with stress.
Additionally, you’ll tone your body and therefore boost your self-image and confidence, contributing to your overall mood and attitude.
3. Plan a night-out
Sometimes the very core of the problem is within the four walls of your room, and staying in only makes you feel worse. Get out of the house.
Put on one of those fancy pin up dresses, or throw on a lucky shirt if you’re a guy, and have a fun night out with your friends. This will distract you from whatever is making you sad or upset and turn your day around.
4. Talk and share
Bottling up your feelings can only result in a postponed outburst of emotions or psychological disorders. This is why you need to learn how to open up, vent, or simply share what’s on your mind and in your heart.
Communication is the key to achieving peace and a state of content, so make sure you’re always in touch with your loved ones and never hesitate to reach out to a friend or a family member when you’re going through something. No one will judge you for being honest and open about your emotions – they will instead admire you for your courage and strength.
5. Laugh
Laughter is the sweetest medicine for both your mind and the body. Laughing relaxes your whole body and triggers the release of endorphins, those natural feel-good chemicals that can work as a temporary pain-reliever.
On days when you don’t even feel like smiling, surround yourself with friends with a good sense of humor or watch a funny movie and you’ll find yourself LOL-ing in no time.
6. Cuddle with your pet
Spending quality time with your furry friend can have various benefits, including stress-relief and depression-reducing effects.
According to research conducted as part of a University of Missouri study, pets trigger our “feel good” hormones. Whenever you’re feeling down, turn to your cute little buddy for some one-on-one cuddle therapy and let them shower you with their love, making you feel much better.
7. Take a nap
Finally, sleeping can also help boost your mood because sometimes all we truly need is a well-earned rest. Do not feel guilty or unproductive for having a daily break to take a nap – it’s what your body and mind need and deserve in order to refresh.
We can’t run hide from whatever life throws our way, but we can choose to face it instead of allowing ourselves to feel helpless in front of each and every disappointment or mishap that we encounter. There are plenty of other tools and techniques you could use to improve your mood, from mood-boosting foods and meditation to your favorite music playlist – so it’s up to you to find your cup of tea and drink it up whenever you feel like your day or your whole world is falling apart. So next time you decide to spend a day in your bed crying your eyes out for this or that reason, don’t – life is too short and our list of tips above is long enough to protect you from such a waste of time.