Today, before my first client, I found myself crying tears of joy as I watched the trailer for the new Pixar Disney™ Movie called Soul. I cried all my make-up off and really had to collect myself before my 8:30AM coaching session.
My work in the world is helping people realize that they are so much more than what they realize. That they are a Soul – a Spiritual Being – on an epic human adventure. In the coaching work I do with my clients I assist people in getting more present to and in touch with this incredibly beautiful and powerful aspect of their Soul.
The fact that Pixar™ has now created a movie about what it means to have a Soul and how to live a rich, juicy life by connecting more fully with your Soul is so damn exciting to me that it makes my head and heart burst open and my Soul is rejoicing in what a spectacular gift this is!
The other reason this is crazy fun for me is my new book Original Wisdom; Harness the Power of the Authentic You is about how we adults do this. It’s about recognizing that you are a Soul on an epic human adventure and when you embrace that idea, and learn how to live with more of your Soul, you can live on purpose. I would go so far as to say you are finding your purpose. My book Original Wisdom shows you how. How to recognize your Soul. How to integrate your Soul. How to live on purpose from your Soul.
Your Soul is made of the energy of Love.
When you can bring in and access more of that Love, your life gets more fun. It becomes more meaningful and you feel like you are making a difference in your world and the world of others.
Soul-Hearted Living is about recognizing that you are both a Soul and a Human. And when these two parts of you are in harmony – then you really love your life.
Life becomes so much more joyful, you feel more balanced and healthy and experience the exhilaration of being alive. I can assure you this is why you came!
If this resonates with you too and you would like to incorporate more of your Soul into your day-to-day life, join me in Igniting Your Light Membership – where we explore Soul-Hearted Living. Each month we explore a high human quality – in other words – a quality of the Soul. We look at how this quality shows up in our life experience and how we can invite more of it into our day to day living.
The high human qualities (Soul Qualities) we will explore include: Acceptance, Creative Power, Trust, Compassion, Imagination, Wisdom, Remembering, Grace, Peace, Harmlessness, Neutrality and Gifts You Give. Each month we come together in a Soul Gathering where we explore and share in a safe, non-judgmental space. Your Soul is the reason you are here in this human body. Wouldn’t it be amazing if you could understand its motives and how your Soul has the Original Wisdom to direct your life in beautiful and miraculous ways?