Spiritual care has various creases and pleats and it is as important as physical care or as serious as emotional care. It is being said that “what you are, what you feed”. This analogy describes the way to nurture your soul as to nourish your body. Nutritious food is eaten, exercise, proper sleep, appropriate clothing and medical check-ups for taking care of physique.
The soul or spirit certainly requires appropriate care. Here are amazing approaches to nourish or nurture the soul. The most important aspect is that various activities are available by nature to nurture the soul. Give it a try and recognize the difference. There you come
Invest some time to practice gratitude: Gratitude practice will help to shift the perspective from negative to positive or lacking for life to having enough for life paradigm. Gratitude has the potential to heal the soul, restore strength, boost energy and promote sustainability in life. Gratitude is linked with healing as well as promoting a healthy soul. There are numerous modes for practicing gratitude, for instance, gratitude apps or gratitude blogs or writing a gratitude note. Gratitude practice 365 is a genuine blog to followhttp://gratitudepractice365.blogspot.com
Spending some time in nature: Nature always impacts the soul in many ways and establish a connection between nature and the soul. For instance, a trek to the valley, observing sunrise or sunset, view the full moon, appreciate the rainfall, employing amazing time on the lakefront and hear seashore streams, notice plants, bulbs, shoots, seedlings, flower and concentrate on the tone, texture and it’s blending with the surroundings
Invest some time to pray: As far as nourishing the soul is concerned, don’t forget the significance of prayer. Offering pray, certainly, a connection between the soul and nature, no matter what approach or the philosophy is being followed. Prayers always bring calmness, soothing and comforting impact on the soul. Indeed, Prayer brings healing power to the soul
Journaling and reflecting thoughts: This is a salutary and convinced approach to nourish the soul. This way one can definitely monitoring spirits, feelings, thoughts, emotions and connect to the inner soul. Journaling helps to recognize, understand, investigate, and review the inner soul at deeper level
Meditation: Meditation has multiple layers and floors and every floor and layer has its own significance to the soul. Meditation is the way to nurture or nourish your soul at a deeper level, for instance, deep breathing, yoga, silence retreat, relaxation music, natural music or rest in the quiet place to connect with the inner soul and nurture spirit
Read, listen and engage in an inspirational talk: All these are the food for thought. “What you are, what you feed to your soul” that’s true. Make some time to read or write, listen to an inspirational talk or engage in an inspirational conversation with a friend. It is knowledgeable of non-physical characters of soul and nourishes it
Contribute time, efforts, skills, or experiences: This an astonishing idea to contribute time, make some efforts to help someone to learn skills or share your tremendous experiences to the cause, you believe in or follow. Contributions are at a deeper level, for instance, donating money, donating body organs, donating blood, or volunteering some time to help others
If you have any other idea to nourish the soul, please feel free to comment below