Our utter devotion to whatever is before us reveals the nearest detail as a doorway to the Infinite Latticework that holds the Universe together. This moment of spiritual fluency makes us a conduit of life-force. Such moments recharge the heart the way plugging in a lantern revitalizes the reach and intensity of its beam. Through each instance of inner thoroughness, the heart educates us further in what it means to be alive.

A Question to Walk With: Tell the story of a detail that led you to a greater sense of life or living.

This excerpt is from my book in progress, No Greater Teacher Than the Heart.

Join me at my new 5-session online Master Class, The Gift of Deepening and the Radiance in All Things, coming up August 28 – September1. I am also offering a free reading and conversation on September 11th. If you feel led, you can learn more at Live.MarkNepo.com.
