Healing is big business nowadays, just look at the stats on google. Everyone’s either embracing their higher selves, recently enlightened courtesy of a tropical yoga retreat, or currently morphing into their fifth dimensional reality, with a click funnel to match.

Each and every one of us has natural gifts and abilities with energy, don’t ever doubt that. The challenge as we wake up and discover these gifts again in this lifetime, is learning to how to manage them in a way that honours us and others at the same time – and to ensure we don’t fall into the ego trap of believing that we are the ones pulling the energetic strings, not Spirit.

Yes, we are all co-creators with the universe and we are all made up of energy, but all energy is borrowed and ultimately, comes from Oneness. Call that invisible ‘force’ what you wish – God, Gaia, Shakti, Allah or Buddha – it’s all the same jizz. As humans and as healers, we are merely offering ourselves in service to this divine vibration and channeling it into whomever and wherever we are guided to.

Social media hasn’t made things any easier nor has it supported unbiased and true authenticity in the healing industry either. Everybody is a ‘spiritual influencer’, ‘soul coach’ or ‘lifestyle seer’ nowadays. We even see people self-appointing themselves as shamans.

In the past, our ancestors were either born into a shamanic lineage, chosen to be initiated through ceremony or sometimes they just claimed the vibration for themselves by announcing it to their tribe one day after a prophetic vision of some sort. This is true of many Australian Aboriginal healers.

Nowadays whilst this can be (and is often) true for many ‘natural born healers’ who don’t have any inherited claim to a particular shamanic bloodline but instead intuit on a soul level that this is who they are, it has grown to be a little more complex. The western world loves a fad after all and over time, has created a mass spiritual movement that often and unfortunately, focuses more on popularity and marketing potential than actual healing ability. Sadly, ‘coming out’ as a healer isn’t just about self recognition and selfless service to the collective anymore. It can involve a whole team of assistants, not just the one doing and offering the transformative work. There’s a personal manager, a web designer, an accountant, a stylist and even a range of curative merchandise!

So what does real spiritual healing involve?

I believe it is a combination of several different qualities, some learned, some inherited (such as clairvoyance or telepathy), an empathic personality, an inquisitive and humble heart, a deep connection to (and desire to protect) nature, an affinity with animals plus an innate gift with energy and how to access, channel and manipulate it, when guided. Big bollocks and a thick skin don’t go astray either.

Dedication, patience, trust and loads of focused work, every single day, will ignite, engage and expand your particular gifts, much like you would exercise any other muscle in your body to make it strong and resilient. It requires living a healthy and ecologically sustainable and earth honouring life as well because walking your talk and living in alignment with nature is imperative for authenticity and longevity.

You also need to constantly clear your vessel (your body), your conduit (mind and heart) and your ever shifting energy field (your matrix) in order to keep receiving information from the highest sources and ensure you are respecting your privileged position as a chosen guardian of sacred information. And it challenges your ego every single moment, calling you to put aside your personal convictions, beliefs and opinions in order to hold space for others with complete equanimity and detachment.

You need to keep educating and extending yourself beyond all known boundaries and limitations and that takes a lot of courage and integrity, for in order to hold space for others – and often the planet – you need a really good (multidimensional) toolkit. You also need daily practices that bring you back to balance and ground you so your facilitation of the movement of energy grows and anchors.

A sense of humour never goes astray either for there will be plenty of people who will scoff at your abilities or blame you for everything that goes wrong in their life and you must learn to shrug and laugh it off. If people are ready to receive the work, they will; if not, that’s not your responsibility. Cultivating a certain amount of detachment will also stand you in good stead and help you separate yourself when needed, from taking on other’s stories out of feelings ranging from guilt, regret, self doubt or even fear of your own power.

Taking regular time out for yourself and getting back to nature is also a must in order to unplug, purge and purify. Maintaining and strengthening your connection with Source, the spirits, your team of guardians and your own soul’s wisdom, is the only way you will be able to keep doing the work you are meant to do, otherwise you will get depleted and you will get sick. And when powerful healers get sick – and they do, more often than you know – they don’t just purge (for and through) their own bodies, they purge for the planetary body as well.

Truthfully, being a healer isn’t something you do, it’s something you are, so if you know that is you, just get busy serving and loving and everything else will fall into place.


Denby Sheather is a renowned Australian yoga therapist, spiritual activist and energetic healer. Author of ‘Mana Yoga: Discovering your Yoga Nature’, she is all about activating your natural powers and awakening your divine soul purpose. You can sign up for her free, weekly astro-shamanic forecasts at her website www.denbysheather.com.
