The Wounded Warrior Project serves veterans and service members who served in the military post 9/11. The program caters to those with physical and mental impairments as well as the ill and the wounded. The program and the individuals participating believe that those who have served are part of a community designed to understand their needs.
The program uses the stories and experiences of veterans and service members to evolve the program. It allows for a more effective form of aid for those that may need it in the future. Individual programs within this community consist of independence programs in which individuals can make post-service transitions into civilian life or personal, independent care. A similar program is Warriors to Work, aiding those needing to reenter the workforce. Support programs consist of peer support, mental health groups, and the Warrior Care Network. The Wounded Warrior Project also assists in understanding and using individuals benefits.
In addition to the work the project does for veterans and service members, it also provides help for military families. They offer benefit explanations, mental health resources, and support systems. They are often in contact with schools across the country to provide inspiration and awareness to the youth.
Soldier Ride is another program that has recently developed. It is a four-day cycling experience where soldiers and veterans can come together and share their experience with the support system they need. It provides them the opportunity to push their limits and remind themselves of what they are capable of despite their struggles. They provide bikes at no cost. They even offer hand-cycles, trikes, and other bicycles to accommodate those with illness or injury. The program consists of 25 to 35 miles of bike riding intermixed with fellowship.
In the same way, Project Odyssey provides support for those dealing with mental health issues. The program is 12 weeks long and uses adventure to help soldiers cope with their wounds, the unseen ones. It provides resiliency training and empowerment through the all-male, all-female, or couples programs. Starting with a five-day workshop, soldiers begin to challenge their current routines while working on communication skills and coping mechanisms. Overall, these programs offered by the project are focused on furthering the lives of veterans, service members, and their families.
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