If you’re like most people, you are probably worried about how to work with your kids’s schools being closed indefinitely, you / your family member’s health, your job security. The list is probably endless…..
So, what can we do during times like this that we have never faced before? Read on…
Stay with me as it might feel like a windy road but I promise you I am going somewhere with this..
The brain is an interesting organ. Anything unknown and anything that it perceives as a threat makes it go into fight or flight, your classic survival response.
This is what I am noticing with everyone around me. I am not immune to it either. If I consume too much information, my whole body tenses up and I find myself going down a rabbit hole of things that haven’t happened.
So, here’s my invitation to you:
1. “Stand guard at the door of your mind.” ~ Jim Rohn.
This quote is one of my favorites. Now is the time for us to take the training wheels off and practice all that we have learnt.
2. Lean into the 2 pillars
Acceptance — Suffering comes from resistance.
Surrender — Not the give up kind, but the kind where you lean into the universal plan.
I did a 15 min short video on how to lean into these pillars during this time in practical ways. You can also read more details here.
Use this time wisely, trust your bigger purpose.