Stand Together is a community that focuses on strategically coming together and finding ways to be rid of barriers in areas of society including communities, government, education, and business. They seek to allow each person to reach their fullest potential. Stand Together offers support, resources, and other tools to help elevate the groups they partner with to succeed.
Their Vision
The Stand Together community has a goal of removing the various obstacles that block people from flourishing and thriving. This allows everyone to experience equality and a mutually beneficial society. The focus is on helping others, which in turn allows the cycle of growth and improvement to continue as they can pay it forward.
Their Beliefs
Stand Together believes in celebrating each individual’s potential. They look at each person as worthy and able to use their skills, talents, and gifts to contribute to the betterment of themselves, each other, and society as a whole. They know each person can provide insight and help when it comes to solving societal issues.
This belief in individual worth and value drives the Stand Together community’s approach. They make sure they involve the people who are closest to the problems needing resolution. They have experiences and insights that others who are further from the issues might not have.
Including people who are often left out or overlooked allows both parties to expand their worldviews, practice understanding, and work on communication in real-life situations. Working together also has a way of releasing biases and seeing the similarities between people rather than focusing on their differences.
The Community
The Stand Together community was formed in 2003. It’s grown exponentially since its inception. This community has activists in every state. It also encompasses business leaders, philanthropic leaders, school teachers, university professors, and community organizations.
Each member and branch of the Stand Together community is driven by the shared vision of bettering the world and ushering in a more equal, inclusive society that allows each individual to prosper. The sheer number of people in the community and the different sectors of society represented give Stand Together access to the knowledge, tools, and insights required to successfully bring this shared vision to fruition.
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