It’s never easy having a ‘difficult’ conversation. However, what makes these even more difficult is when you’re faced with talking to someone who doesn’t want to listen, says Georges Chahwan. Sometimes people just don’t get it until it hits them where they can feel it—this is especially true when talking to people who might not be socialized very well. There are different strategies that one could take in this type of scenario but depending on the person will determine what means would best fit for their personality preference.

For someone who is very sensitive, one could start by explaining why they might be offended by the behaviour in question. However, if this doesn’t work there are other means that would fit better with someone like this. Showing vulnerability and expressing your emotions without fear is another way to connect—this will get them thinking about how their actions are affecting you which then leads to more empathy towards your position.

Lastly, for those who are very blunt, modelling your own behaviour after theirs through demonstrating what they’re doing wrong shows good examples of how to behave and what not to do, adds Georges Chahwan. This might be a very common tactic (especially among parents and teachers), however, it’s one that is greatly effective—the most important thing is consistency in showing how you expect them to act. Sometimes this approach requires no words at all because the reactions caused by your behaviour will be enough for them to appropriately learn from their mistakes. So, when thinking of appropriate behaviour for such a conversation, determining the person’s personality type can help determine which direction would work best in actually getting the point across while being both empathetic and firm on why these behaviours are unacceptable.