You know you’ve heard that saying “misery loves company.” It’s typically thought of with somewhat negative connotations and isn’t always quoted with the utmost positivity, but in the chronic illness community, it’s a little different.

Many of those with chronic illness have had an extremely hard time believing anyone can understand them.Living with diseases that aren’t often talked about or taught to people on a large scale can cause feelings of extreme loneliness and isolation. There is so often paranoia, depression, and guilt that can accompany a life with chronic illness, especially when we are young and just learning our place in this world.
As chronic illness survivors, it is often a beautiful thing to connect with other human beings who feel our struggle. Since the birth of Facebook and other social media platforms, it has become easier to join a network of other people all over the world who share the same struggles, ideals, or interests. You can have a dialogue in the comfort of your own home with someone going through the same thing. The convenience of logging on and reaching out can be a source of support that is so critically imperative for chronic illness warriors, and one that should be utilized as often as possible. Of course, most friendships are grown on happiness, joy, and laughter (after all, what are friends for?!), but in the chronic illness community, the most lovely and powerful connections are sometimes cultivated through pain and sorrow. To be understood and accepted by others who, quite simply put, “just get it,” is just an immeasurably wonderful thing.
On the flip side, what’s awesome about self-growth and self-love is that you don’t always have to shout from the rooftops that you are a sick person. Just the feeling of being around like-minded people who all strive for that same light can be so uplifting and not only give mental clarity to the chronically ill but can help in physical ways too.
The significance and importance of chronic illness support groups and online networks have been so helpful in so many individual journey’s towards better health. Many have become more educated, enlightened and strong knowing that these other strong humans exist and fight the same good fight almost daily. We can’t stress the importance of the human connection when you are living with chronic pain. Whether you want the world to know or only those chosen few, there is so much comfort in realizing that we are all really just trying to live our best life.
Because we find this sense of community so important, we are soon launching a very special online network for those suffering from chronic pain and illness. This inclusive network will leverage our years of experience treating those with Ehlers Danlos Syndrome and other chronic pain conditions to help YOU live a full life with less pain.
Want to learn more? follow us on Instagram @DrPerrettoDPT to be up to date with the latest research based information on chronic pain and joint hypermobility disorders.