What is your mantra to remain motivated on a well bloomed Monday morning? Is there any secret to overcome Monday Blues or you just let the day pass?
They say “Motivation doesn’t last quite longer, neither does bathing, and that is why we recommend it everyday.” That’s the thing about motivation, you need to have a powerful dose every single day to keep your body and mind aligned together to perform different tasks. For a majority of people Monday seems a tough day. You might also have a case of the Monday Blues if the beginning of a workweek seems stressful and anxiety keeps crawling inside your head all day long.
Having quite a long weekend it’s obvious that your body would ask for one more day off and your mind would support the same. But that’s not what we are here to talk about. Instead we will be finding together the ways that could keep the working professionals motivated enough on a Monday morning.
Let’s Dig Deep Together to Avoid Deadly Monday Blues
Identify the Problem
The first thing to do is to ask yourself what is wrong? In case you are feeling Monday Blues frequently, you must consider the issue. If you are having this kind of feeling regularly, it is because you are not happy with your work or you are worried about something regarding the job only. Try to figure out the issues to resolve your problem. It is empowering to take charge of your problem and try to improve your situation.
Try to Keep Work Load Off on Mondays
It is possible that you are feeling Monday Blues because there is heavy workload on Mondays. For some people even the slightest feeling of this burden may cause Monday Blues. So, to avoid the stress on Monday, plan much of your work on Fridays only. Your work might have piled up from previous days or even weeks and therefore it is the best idea to conclude as much work as possible on Fridays. This will keep the burden off your shoulders.
Add Excitement to Your Daily Work Schedule
Make a list of the tasks that bring excitement to you. It could be doing any particular task or checking the important documents to conclude any official task. Whatever it is just try to make a list of all the stuff you love doing. This will bring an element of excitement to your job and would let you enjoy your Mondays more. This practice would put you in a positive mood helping you keep the stress away from Monday routine.
Get Enough Sleep and Plan Out Your Day in Advance
Going a bit early to bed on Sunday evening would help you to get a good night sleep and wake up fresh in the morning. When you have some good hours of sleep, you are more likely to feel fresh and rejuvenated all day long. Moreover, sleeping early on Sunday evenings would help to get up early on Monday mornings and this will help to reach office a few hours before the general routine. This will boost your positivity and will keep anxiety at distance.
Remain Positive All Day Long
Feeling positivity is nothing but a state of mind. You could easily feel positive the entire day by getting motivation from an idol, by reading something, or just by doing your favorite task be it playing for some time or just listening to the music. Make attitude of gratitude a part of your personality and kick start your Monday by feeling thankful for it. Make room to place some motivational quote frames at your desk and keep it organized and clean enough.
The Bottomline
The essence of the story is you must not struggle to get over the Monday but plan the day well enough to pass it thoughtfully. By making your Monday one of the special days of the week you will feel more delighted all week long. This will help to concentrate on your job with a sense of responsibility and positivity. This is all that you require to make an awesome Monday.
Have a great Monday ahead!!