Surrender is…
Departing from a situation that no longer serves you.
Taking a risk because it’s what your heart says to do.
Anxiously relaxing into the flow of the bigger grand plan.
Frequently reminding yourself that Love is in charge and it’s all going to be alright.
Saying, “Maybe this isn’t actually the life that I want…” after spending years trying to manifest it.
Knowing that in order to bring forth the kind of life you actually want requires clearing the cobwebs from every nook and cranny of your psyche.
Spending months inside before it was mandated, having a deep conversation with your shadow.
Booking a flight to an island thinking you were going to dig even deeper into the shadow work but then being told “We didn’t bring you here to do shadow work, you’ve acknowledged its existence. We brought you here to do the light work, to better understand what is requested of you next.”
Specifically being told your leading role in this lifetime and how to conjure it all into being.
Sighing over the relief that you’re not meant to build this empire alone, that all of your creative partners have already started the overall body of work long before you were given the blueprint that’s needed to piece together this soul tribe’s legacy.
Planting seeds in the fertile soils, praying over them to blossom the way they need to.
Digesting all you’ve learned through The Inner Journey.
Allowing an Angelic presence to lead you as you collect fresh flowers, crystals, and heirloom jewelry, connectedly concentrating as you place them in their sacred positions.
Having humble tears stream down your face as laughter escapes your mouth at the sight of what you’ve co-created with the Divine.
Trusting all the intentions with moon light are working even though they’re etheric (especially since they’re etheric).
Acknowledging all of the butterflies and rainbows along the way, confirming transformation and the overwhelming sense of hope.
Relaxing on the edge of your seat knowing that it’s time but you don’t have a clue of when or how it will arrive.
Not knowing what happens next but knowing it will be divinely orchestrated and perfectly timed just as everything else has been.
Going back to prayer, feeling the energetic contractions as the labor begins, allowing its power and its amazing grace to consume you.
Saying thank you over and over again, jumping into the infinite loop of gratitude.