As the Covid-19 situation develops, thousands of brides and grooms face an uncertain future as to whether wedding celebrations will be able to go ahead. With large gatherings banned, including the legendary Glastonbury festival, and self-isolation rules implemented, 2020 is a tough year for couples hoping to tie the knot this summer. Although we should prioritise our own and our loved ones’ health, it is still a disappointing time which could have negative effects on our happiness and mental health.
Weddings can be stressful enough without doubting if it can even happen, costing a lot financially and emotionally — years of planning could have been dedicated to this one special day. Here, we’ll advise a survival guide for brides who planned to get married this summer, including how they can look after their mental health, how they can get ahead of the game when continuing to plan for their big day, and what they must do if they do need to change their date.
1. Look after your mental health
Don’t feel embarrassed if you feel like your daily functioning has been interrupted by stress and sadness over one of the most important days of your life being cancelled or postponed. Mental health is important, and just as important as your physical health — just because you can’t see it doesn’t mean that it doesn’t matter. With the pressure and worry of the wedding, as well as Covid-19 having everything up in the air, it’s likely you’ll feel down — according to Mind, the mental health charity, one in four people in the UK experience a mental health problem each year.
Take care of number one — that’s you. In moments of crisis, it’s important to take a step back and remove yourself from stressors. Take time out of your day to do things that make you happy, which is particularly important due to social restrictions. When you’re down it’s too easy to slip into a lethargic routine that is a breeding ground for negativity and sadness. Maintain your appearance as you normally would, like applying fake tan if you usually wear it, putting some make-up on, painting your nails, and doing your hair.
Take advantage of the one form of exercise a day and try to leave the house for a relaxing walk around your local area to unwind, and leave your phone at home — it’s also important to remember not to make yourself feel bad if you don’t always feel up for a walk. Don’t pressure yourself to be productive this whole time. If you don’t feel up to exercise, practising meditation and mindfulness with the help of apps on your smartphone can help, such as Headspace and Calm.
Keep your sleeping routine as normal as you can, and take time to cook some healthy meals or experiment with new recipes! A healthy gut is a healthy body, which can help contribute to a healthy mind! Don’t hide away, video call people to open up and speak to those closest to you about how you’re feeling, including your fiancé. Be there for each other during this difficult time. If you feel like things are getting on top of you, seek professional help from your GP.
2. I do…need to change my wedding date
If you’re concerned that a wedding venue or supplier will class a postponement as a cancellation, get in contact to discuss postponing — due to it being an unprecedented time, some businesses are being flexible in terms of rearranging dates at no extra cost. Remember, businesses are suffering too and will want to work closely with couples to ensure they don’t miss out either. If your venue classes it as a cancellation, consider having your wedding somewhere special to make up for it, like scenic wedding venues in Cumbria and the Lake District.
Firstly, if you have wedding insurance, get in contact with your insurer as it’s likely that you’ll be covered in the event that your venue has to close, or ceremonies are being stopped. Check with your venue if you can reschedule for a different date, discussing options later in the year or next year, then check with vendors to see if this will be possible. Check your new provisional date with your most important guests — after all, you don’t want your best friend or close family member unable to make it and have to change the date again or sacrifice them not being there! Plan for additional costs in the event that fees change based on the season.
Inform all of your guests as soon as you’ve planned a new date.
3. Get ahead of the game when continuing to plan for your big day
If your wedding has been postponed, spend this extra time thinking of how you can make your day extra special. For example, you could research online for wedding inspiration and create your own invites with arts and crafts, a colourful bohemian blanket aisle for the quirky couples, or your own floral centrepieces. A quick look on Pinterest reveals a plethora of decorations you could make.
Plus, this will add a personal and unique touch to your wedding — something you wouldn’t have had without it being postponed. Try to be positive about how you can improve your wedding setting without spending loads of money.
Although it’s a frustrating an overwhelming time for hopeful couples, you can take control and plan your wedding for an alternative date without risking the health of yourself or your loved ones.