Surviving in a Big City as an Introverted Mom

Understand Yourself First

I think you will relate if I told you about how many times everyone else has difficulty understanding my introversion. I was always told by families and friends to stop being so quiet and sensitive. It led me to the point that it took me a long time to think my introversion isn’t a negative aspect of myself.

You might feel like you need to change who you truly are in order to fit in. After all, it’s easy for other people to assume many things if you’re someone who prefers to be quiet and just observe. I hope you realize that what you seem on the outside isn’t a representative of who you are on the inside. I believe that us introverts are as colorful internally as those who are extravagant externally. 

After some years, I’m starting to feel more and more comfortable with who I am. It begins with understanding why you are the way you are. Think of your uniqueness, not as a disability, but instead, as a superpower. You feel and see things differently and perhaps more intensely. Instead of it being a curse, think of it as a gift. 

Big Cities Are Actually Introvert-Friendly

You might be thinking of how conflicting the idea of an introvert living in a city like New York is. Aren’t cities the complete opposite of quiet? You will be shocked, but I actually enjoyed my time living in New York. And even when visiting big cities, I still discover how much I like being in them without my introversion battery draining too quickly. 

Let me give you an idea of why you should get the best stroller for NYC, and visit a city like that with your little one. 

First of all, it’s a big place with lots of sights and stimulation. I know that might sound horrible on paper, and it might even give you flashbacks to events that gave you a sensory overload. But what I noticed is that those very characteristics of a big city make me anonymous. 

It might feel cramped because of the crowd, but this also means that you are not out in the open. You don’t have to interact with people because everyone has things going for them. They are focused on their day, so you can just walk freely without the feeling of people analyzing you. It’s the complete opposite of reciting for class presentation back in high school!

Another thing that I like in a big city is because it gives you access to different types of cultures. Not just with the food and people, but you will also find various museums, theaters, and even architecture. I don’t know about you, but I’m a sucker for good food, art, and history. And as I have mentioned earlier, you can just view and experience them in peace on your own. 

I think you will agree if I say that us introverts love meaningful things. We want our conversations to be mentally stimulating, and we prefer experiences with meanings. Some of these things are not easy to achieve, especially if you are in a limited place. With big cities, you don’t have to do small talk with the coffee barista. Instead, in my experience, I get to discuss my favorite painters with a fellow observer, and then we go on our days! 

How to Survive in a Big City as an Introverted Mom

Being a mom but as an introvert can both be challenging and rewarding. You get to appreciate each milestone more, and you tend to view things deeper when it comes to raising your child. But if you add living in a big city in the mix, it can up the difficulty level a bit.

However, don’t be discouraged. I’m here to prove to you how all these things can work harmoniously together. Children, especially when they’re really young, may not be able to grasp the concept of why mommy sometimes prefers to be left alone. Perhaps they want to talk to you with a story on loop when you’re in need of some quiet time. Don’t worry because needing some peace and quiet by yourself doesn’t make you a bad mom. 

In my case, I find the balance in doing certain activities, so I get to have more time. This can be as simple as putting an episode of their favorite cartoon on the TV while mommy gets to read a book on the couch. I know that this seems easy when, in reality, it is going to be tricky. However, let me reassure you that your child will understand it soon enough. 

In fact, my daughter is actually the one who reminds me when it’s my nap time where I don’t really nap, but I just lie in bed with some peace and quiet. Amazing how it can change your mood even if it’s just 20 minutes. 

In the city, you can apply this similar approach. You can bring your child to different activity centers, and they’ll be tired enough to just sleep once you go home. I also enjoy walking around in parks with my baby in the stroller. It gives me some “recharge” time before my husband picks us up for dinner. 

Big cities also have a lot of coffee shops where your child can enjoy a slice of cake while you read a book. I’ve set some time to talk with my daughter about her day and then she can get some screen time on her phone after she finishes her cake. It sounds like a good deal, doesn’t it?

Over time, you’ll be surprised how children so young can understand the value of alone and quiet time. After all, being alone doesn’t have to be anonymous with being lonely. I hope that your takeaway after finishing this read is that the combination of introversion, motherhood, and living in a big city is not as overwhelming as it seems. But regardless of where you go or live with your family, you’ll eventually learn how to ride the everyday waves because introversion is a superpower.