Meet T.R. Miles, an NYU graduate and a young entrepreneur from Buffalo, New York. He is the founder of a finance startup: The Miles Group Portfolio Inc. They work to create, develop, and manage startups from various industries. Despite finding such strong success, it is not exactly where Miles started his journey. He talked about the struggles he used to face from living with limited resources in his early days in New York City. “There were some days that I had less than five dollars in my pocket,” Miles said. So how exactly did Miles go from living off the dollar menu to living the life he deserves? The secret is simple: he has always maintained a strong and healthy mindset.
Positive self-encouragement is a major way in which Miles keeps his mind healthy and sharp. “Trust yourself and have confidence,” Miles comments. “No one else is going to believe in you until you believe in yourself first.” That is the philosophy that has put Miles in the position he is in today. Miles continued, “Confidence is key in seeing your dreams materialize. Believing in yourself gets you further than you think.” Another way in which Miles keeps a healthy mind is by avoiding comparisons. When asked about what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur, Miles said, “Being patient with ourselves and realizing that we are not in competition with anyone but ourselves. This keeps us focused and sharp.”
T.R Miles knows that you not only need a healthy mind to stay on top of your game, but you must also maintain a clear and sharp mind as well. Having valuable information ready on top of your mind is a big way to stay sharp, but it can be challenging to keep so much information organized in your head. Journaling is one strategy that Miles uses to help himself compartmentalize information. “I started writing a lot. I learned early from the great motivational giants to write all my visions down,” Miles said. He would rewrite and revise his vision repeatedly, taking up endless pages in notebooks. Miles continued, “I think I literally go through about five to eight notebooks a year of just writing and rewriting my vision.” This is a habit that he continues to reinforce in his day-to-day life. “I have notebooks full of ideas, strategies, company ideas, operation plans, and more.”
Fail fast, learn faster. Embrace the struggle and love what you do. That is the mantra for T.R. Miles and a reflection of his strong mind. The strength of mind has never been in question for Miles. As he puts it, “I think every entrepreneur should have grit and be able to weather the toughest times.” Those who can weather the toughest of times are also those who have the toughest of minds. As for Miles, his tough and healthy mind is what has brought success and opportunity into his life, and it is equally what will usher him into his next level of success in the future.
You can learn more about T. R. Miles and his businesses here.
Find T.R. Miles on his Instagram page here.