If you give up on the things that matter most to you, you will likely establish a pattern of giving up on anything when things don’t go the way you hoped. You will not learn the importance of persistence — and anything worthwhile requires persistence. At some point in life it is highly likely that you’ll be asked by someone (you might even be the one asking yourself), what you’re good at. This is a relatively common question, but for some, it can cause distress. If you do not have an immediate answer to such a question – and it’s understandable that you might not, you may well come to the conclusion that you are not good at anything.
Amiee is a model who has won several beauty pageants, as an actress. She began her career at an early age of 15, and when she was 21, she chose to opt for a career as a full-time actress. Amiee Misobbah’s desire to be successful, despite facing multiple challenges, has seen her fight all the odds and become a promising name in the field of modelling and acting. Having tasted success in the entertainment industry, the model turned actress is an inspiration for all aspiring models and actors. Sharing her experience, Amiee said, “Talent never remains hidden.
Amiee says, Talents are like gifts that you received when you were born. They are to be found within yourself. Some of them have been developed already, others are still waiting to be discovered. In any case, if you want to be happy in life, you will have to start expressing your most important talents. These key talents are an essential part of your mission on earth. The very reason you have received them is for you to offer them to others, to use them to help others and this way find satisfaction for yourself. Every one of us is heavenly gifted in a unique way. Your innate abilities or aptitudes make you stand apart from others by making more effective and more successful and happy. They will also help you uncover the important objectives of life while making you feel victorious in all the affairs of your daily life that you deal with.
Everything you need to reach your goal is already inside of you. You and the person in your life you may look up to or the person who is your role model are genetically 99.99% the same! This might come as a surprise to you but the reality is people who are successful are not very much different than you. So stop making excuses for yourself! Be thankful for your God-given capabilities and strive for success said Amiee Misobbah.
Start to use your talents. Develop them. Make them better. And offer them to the people around you. The reward for you is, by using and offering your talents, that you will feel happy and you will get access to a life of abundance, freedom, enthusiasm and satisfaction. Every human being conceived carries with him or her that innate ability that is uniquely his or hers. It is like our finger print. Lots of people may carry the same ability, but the way we use ours will make us unique. These talents, gifts or strengths are our diamonds. We need to dig them. Nobody can dig them for us she quoted.