These days, most people don’t bother taking anyone with the “always stay positive” line seriously anymore. It’s become a sort of annoying cliché to talk about positivity without any real context to inspire the effort. Positivity is such a broad concept that most people easily forget it’s not a destination but a continuous journey. You can’t work at it for a while and stop whenever because everything finally seems complete. To stay truly positive, especially as an entrepreneur in a trial-laden world, you must wake up every day ready to repeat and constantly upgrade the processes that bring peace and motivation into your space.
For Australian entrepreneur and online business-building coach, Jaikishaan Sharma, positivity is a lifestyle that makes all the difference in the world. However, it’s a waste of time when you don’t create any mental room for it. Sharma is the CEO of Sharmaatricks, an online community aimed at coaching aspiring entrepreneurs to build successful businesses and create their own online success stories. The community provides a targeted platform for like-minded people seeking to share and learn modern strategies for creating and scaling businesses on the internet.
However, before this phase of his life, Sharma had been confined to a wheelchair, struggling every day to accept the impossibly harsh reality that he may never walk again. He was involved in an accident that affected his spine and nearly sealed his fate. Emphasis on “nearly”.
“In October 2015, everything changed around me,” Sharma narrates. “Because of the incident, I was wheelchair-bound for almost three years of my life. The doctors told me there was less than a 5% chance that I’d ever walk again.”
However, statistics are not always perfect as his spinal surgery fell on the positive side of the success charts. “In January 2019, I took my first step out of the wheelchair. In front of the very same doctors.”
Single moments and long-lasting memories
Having one stream of income is dangerously close to none, and Sharma realized this when his accident occurred and he couldn’t work anymore. After ten years of working as a door-to-door sales rep and eventually leading his telecommunication team, Sharma was left without a source of income when he couldn’t head out to hustle any longer.
“My livelihood was taken from me; I felt lost,” he recounted. “The anxiety, financial stress, and emotional burden were overwhelming. During a particularly rough time in my life, my mother was paying all of my bills. If not for her, I would have lost my house. I was going through a lot of depression and anxiety, but everything changed when we had a baby girl come into our lives.”
Along with a support system as loving as his mother, his wife, and the rest of his family, Sharma’s life took a turn for the better, one day, when his little daughter’s infantile disposition toward life stirred a new awakening within him.
“One day, I was sitting in my wheelchair, and I saw my daughter playing on the floor,” he said. “She was so happy and care-free. This fleeting moment in time stuck with me, and I knew that I had two choices: either do something or regret my entire life spent sitting in this wheelchair. It was time to dispel those feelings of negativity from my mind. From then on, I was more committed and driven than ever before.”
Sharma had gained the most jolting inspiration from an everyday sight and luckily, it brought a lot of the energy he needed to rebuild his confidence. Before his breakthrough surgery and mental re-enlivening, Sharma was already committed to reading limitlessly and following people who had remarkable success stories and inspiring journeys. Following that encounter with his daughter, he began to read a lot more and committed himself to absorbing vast wells of knowledge and wisdom that enriched his mind and soul.
Turning motivation into solid effort
Sharma’s journey toward making a full recovery after his successful surgery brought a fresh realization to his mind. There were actually people like him out there, and even those in different situations who for some reason, could not hold down the most traditional jobs. For these people, 9-5’s were either too shackling or entirely impossible, and they needed other options – workable options that could pull them out of financial insecurity.
“People realize how truly capable they are at using their own intuition and intelligence if only they believe they can learn to be great. There’s no room for positive energy in a mind crawling with negative emotions toward one’s abilities,” he explains.
Using his own survival as the core inspiration for everyone else to embody the positive spirit, Sharma eventually launched his company, Sharmaatricks, to help people build profitable businesses online and spur themselves onto a path where they could decide their own stories in the future. Now a community of over 70,000 people, Sharma explains that his company was budding at what was considered to be the worst time for growing businesses. However, it turned out to be a delayed blessing in massive disguise.
“The pandemic taught people that they need to turn their passion into a paycheque because you can’t rely on just one income stream anymore,” he said. “2020 was truly an eye-opener. We know that a 9-5 comes and goes easily because job security is an illusion. It doesn’t protect your future unless you have your own business up and running. Going online is the best option available in the market right now.”
Purposeful impact
Sharma has now dedicated his life to streamlining the entrepreneurial process for anyone looking to build digital empires. He explains that a lot of people instinctively shy away from the opportunity because they are convinced running a business on the internet would be far too complicated.
“But it’s not technical anymore,” he explains. “It’s as simple as the click of a button. The way we’ve created our system, we have 24/7 online training available if people need guidance. Our community doesn’t have to go away searching for answers for hours. It’s all available in our training in video format.”’
Members of the community have testified to kick-starting profitable businesses within 30 days of enriching their minds on the platform. For Sharma, this is the true definition of fulfillment.
He attests to never being one to lock away his past or to forget all the valuable lessons he learned. Despite all the pain he’d endured, he gained powerful nuggets of motivation that are embedded in the past, so locking it away could be detrimental to his future. For instance, he still hangs onto his wheelchair as a reminder of a time when he was stuck, without a choice, and with zero options.
However, being grateful never goes out of style.“I always say that when you’re in ‘gratitude mode,’ you’ll never see sadness on your face. There’s no space for it when you’re giving thanks for what you have,” Sharma said.