Why do we get stressed?
According to Professor Santiago Rojas , author of the book this is because everyone responds differently to changes. For example, when faced with a professional failure, there are people who react by trying again and again. Others suffer from fear, anxiety and block. Everything is a question of how our body and our mind elaborate and value certain external stimuli or changes. The stress, distress in medical terms, can affect us all to a greater or lesser extent. In some scientific research it has been shown that stress mainly affects:

Blood circulation : people who do not manage to maintain some control over stress are more likely to suffer from coronary problems and high blood pressure.

Brain : repeated stressful situations have a effect on brain functions.

Immune system : stress makes us more vulnerable to viruses and infections. The exact mechanisms are still unknown,

Trying to reduce stress levels and have a positive attitude in the face of day-to-day challenges are more than urgent actions, do you agree? In this sense, yoga and meditation are considered very effective relaxation techniques, but they are not the only ones. We propose the best ones to reduce stress quickly.

The 7 best relaxation techniques

The main goal of any relaxation technique is to reduce physical and mental tension . That is why sport in general is highly recommended. Helps keep the body in shape and ease mental workflow. At least during the activity. They are the symptoms that could lead you to try some type of relaxation technique. However, the ideal would be to begin with voluntary relaxation exercises before noticing the symptoms of stress. We propose some techniques among the most contemplated to reduce stress:

Wushu, Tai Chi and Qigong. These oriental disciplines help to relax the muscles creating a feeling of well-being in the body. The concentration required to perform the postures and movements also helps to disconnect the mind.

Mindfulness. Also known as mindfulness , it is a technique based on meditation and exercises that help to become aware of physical actions and sensations. Based on this technique, in the 80s.

Autogenic training. This technique was developed in the 30s of the last century by the doctor Johannes Schulz. It is based on the self-regulation of stress levels and is very close to meditation, although it bases its focus on stress control. That is, it uses negative stress and transforms it into a positive response. Learning this technique means becoming aware of the body’s responses and learning to balance the systems that control circulation, heart rate, and respiration.

Progressive muscle relaxation. It is another method developed in the last century with the aim of reducing the tensions caused by stress. It has been developed by the doctor Edmund Jacobson, and consists of a series of exercises to achieve relaxation of the whole body.

Laughter therapy. A psychotherapeutic technique based on laughter as a method to relieve tension and relax the body and mind. The sessions are usually in groups and it is an excellent technique if you are looking to get out of a period of strong stress that involves various aspects of your life.

Sonotherapy. This alternative therapy is based on the effects of sounds for relaxation. For the technique to produce relaxing effects, the singing, the Tibetan bowls and tuning forks used in the sessions have to be tuned to certain frequencies. Here you will find a playlist with the appropriate sounds to carry out this practice.

Pranayama , or mindful breathing techniques. Listening to your own breathing helps you become aware of your mood. Vice versa, learning to control your breathing allows you to produce changes in your mood. There are several pranayama exercises and a very simple one consists of resting the hands on the belly and taking 10 deep and complete breaths . This exercise repeated several times a day can help you be more present and prevent anxiety situations before they catch up with you.

What benefits do they bring?

Practicing relaxing activities should be part of everyone’s routine, from childhood. In fact, it is at this stage of life that we learn to manage emotions, interpret and deal with the stimuli that we receive from the outside. Through play or relaxation techniques we can rediscover balance and, in addition:

Lower blood pressure and improve circulation

Reduce anxiety

Manage emotions

Strengthen our immune system

Be more aware of the needs of our body

Be happier and more optimistic

Be more focused and productive

Relaxation Techniques for Health

Stress and health: psychological, behavioral, and biological determinants

