It’s common knowledge that music has been a huge part of human life since the beginning of time. From the earliest age, children are introduced to different types of melodies, tunes and music, which become a significant aspect of their mental, emotional and physical development. In school and later on in education music is often used as an efficient tool for helping in memorizing and learning, as well as for improving communication and for boosting confidence. Being a musical kid brings about various benefits during upbringing and later in adult life.
Language, literacy and musci
In the early process of language acquisition, familiarizing children with nursery rhymes, catchy tunes and songs helps children gain more confidence in speaking and using language easily and appropriately. It also helps in developing sense for language rhythm and intonation, recognizing phrase structures and understanding language patterns. Later, in the process of foreign language learning, songs are regularly used to help children memorize strings of targeted vocabulary, grammatical patterns, common language expressions and etc. Singing as well as listening to music improves listening, speaking, writing and reading skills, while being and effortless, fun activity that children gladly use.
Music and social skills
“Music connects people” may be an overused phrase, but in this case it’s perfectly applicable. Kids like dancing, singing and pantomime, they repeat what they hear and see, and usually like to share it with others. Music develops children’s verbal and motor skills, it gives them confidence and energy to explore the world around them and share it with others. If a child is struggling with being too shy or adapting socially, learning to play an instrument or sing can be an efficient way of dealing with social anxiety, stress or isolation. Being a musician may help in overcoming stage fright, learning how to be in the spotlight and facing the fear of performing in front of strangers, friends and family.
Music and physical development
Teaching a child to play an instrument can be very useful for their motor skills, especially when starting very little. Playing a string instrument, for example, can improve left and right hand coordination in children. Similarly, playing the piano, while simultaneously pressing the pedal and reading notes, is an excellent practice for hand-eye coordination and agility, etc. On the other hand, just dancing and singing develops children’s overall body coordination.
Music and cognitive skills
Incorporating music in everyday kids’ life has proven to be extremely beneficial for developing certain cognitive skills, such as memory, concentration, paying attention and thinking . Combined with movement and dancing, music gives children opportunity to make spatial relations, successfully memorize choreographies, simultaneously think about movement and singing, which helps in overall brain development.
Teaching patience and discipline
There is no more creative and engaging way of teaching patience, discipline and hard work than through music. Whether it’s singing in a choir, taking lessons or simply learning songs by heart at home, music can truly help children understand what devoted practicing and persistence are really all about. Becoming a successful musician, or just being interested in music requires time and will, sometimes even a little bit of sacrifice when striving towards higher achievement. It all pays off eventually and when a child sees results of his or her hard work, the effort ultimately makes sense. Not to mention children who eventually aspire to become professional musicians – discipline, patience and devotion are their middle name.
Music as a means of expression
It’s best to start this section with the fact that music is art. It’s a creative way of expressing different kinds of feelings, whether good or bad. Music can help children express things they cannot put into words, or are maybe too afraid to share verbally. Songwriting, composing and performing can open a whole new world to a child and give them the opportunity to show a different side of themselves. In instances of certain social, emotional or mental disabilities, music can be a good way of communication and self-expression, too. Depending on your child`s preferences sometimes it i difficult to decide which instrument to opt for fortunately, there are many blogs, such as Music Groupies, that can give you more insight on which instruments are best for children
Music and logic
Although usually seen as complete opposites, music and math are two sides of the same coin. Reading and counting music actually requires understanding of fractions, division and keeping rhythm and time in check. Regular music playing improves these skills and develops logical thinking. What’s more, it’s interesting that the same part of the brain is responsible for spatial skills, also required for understanding Math.
The thing is, there aren’t any negative aspects of teaching your child music. It’s safe to say that talent should not play a role in deciding whether or not to teach kids to play an instrument or sing. The amazing benefits that music can have are a good reason to incorporate it into your child’s life as soon as they are born. Help in developing personality, intelligence, skills, confidence and much more is the greatest gift to a child’s mind and spirit that you can give, and it is doable by simply introducing them with the power of music.