Emotions are contagious. The best leaders know what to share and when.
A few weeks ago we were at our local town pond. The kids were having fun on the paddleboards. I was sitting in a camp chair with my feet soaking in the cold water.
We were all having a good time. Then my wife asked:
“What’s wrong? You look like you don’t want to be here…?”
Ouch. I guess I wasn’t enjoying myself as much as I thought.
While physically I was out in nature with the family, my mind was thinking and contemplating various challenges and issues that I needed to confront in the coming week. My face told the story I didn’t even know I was telling.
My energy was expressed. My emotions were shared. Now, I had a choice. Change or stay the same?
I had to change, not just for me, but for them.
Just like I did with my family, when you are at work, you tell everyone what they need to know – whether you know it or not. Others can sense your emotional state. It is more than just taking the right actions, it is about bringing your entire self, it is about being there mentally and emotionally in addition to physically.
Your actions and passion prove what you believe.
What you bring as a leader is always evident.
There are problems, and there are solutions.
In business, we all face many of the same problems.
The problems are stagnation and lack of passion.
The problems are indecision and lack of courage.
The problems are selfishness and lack of compassion.
The problems are slow sales and lack of growth.
The problems are waste and lack of automation.
The problems are victimhood and lack of accountability.
The problems are suffering and lack of connection.
The solution is something that might not make sense at first, the solution for all the problems is the same simple answer: the missing ingredient in business today is love.
Often we don’t think of love and business in the same sentence. Yet, that is exactly what is missing most in today’s corporate environment.
What is needed is true connection supported by love. This love is driven by our feelings and desires to serve and help others as well as our love for what we do and whom we serve.
Moshe Engelberg has written a great book on bringing love to work. He wrote “The Amare Wave” to teach us that:
Love in business is needed.
Love at work is helpful.
Love at work is the opposite of war.
Love at work is cooperation and empathy.
Love at work is caring and harmony.
Love at work is doing our best for the right reasons.
*Amare is Latin for love.
Our clients and teammates deserve our best.
To give our best, we need to be our best.
“You can only become truly accomplished at something you love…pursue the things you love doing and then do them so well that people can’t take their eyes off of you.” – Maya Angelou
When we do our best work, we are automatically showing love.
“Work is love made visible.” – Kahlil Gibran
When we do what we love and love those we serve, business becomes easier.
When there is love, then it is easier to build trust. Love is positive energy. Love helps you think about others rather than yourself. Love makes relationships stronger.
Strong professional relationships work toward alignment. Alignment is key for any business partnership to become successful.
“…alignment is much stronger when your purpose is something your stakeholders believe in and care about – that is, a shared purpose with mutual benefit.” – Moshe Engelberg
As we align our goals with our partners, we then have the freedom to do our best work.
Love should be the first strategy.
Business strategy is a set of principles that direct decisions.
The strategy is not the mission, or the vision, or the value created.
A good strategy defines the principles and outlines the actions that should and should not be taken. A good strategy also includes where resources should be allocated.
The best strategy is the one that works. The best strategy is always the one that helps others get what they want and need.
Caring for others is always the best strategy.
The book, “The Amare Wave” teaches us how to develop that strategy.
One of the most important tools I pulled from Moshe’s book are the foundational principles. These ideas are something that can be applied right away and can be used to self-diagnose when something feels off or be used to perform constant self check-ups to make sure you are on the right path.
The Seven Foundational Principles:
- Treat one another well.
- Inspire connection.
- Get on purpose.
- Respect money.
- Choose love over fear.
- Take the long view.
- Prioritize relationships.
The book itself goes into detail for each of the seven principles. Once you understand these principles, then the next step is to ask ourselves: “How do I bring love to work?”
Walt Disney answered that for us all:
“The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.”
Love at work just makes sense.
The best leaders love their teams. The best leaders love their customers.
The best leaders show love with their words, actions, and emotions.
When we take the right action in the face of fear, grief, or pain – it is called courage. The more courage we show, the more courage others will also show. It is true with love as well. The more love we show, the more love others will show. The more love we feel, the more love others will feel as well.
In business, love just makes sense.
It makes sense to care about others.
It makes sense to think about the needs of your team.
It makes sense to align your goals with your customers.
It makes sense to focus on cooperation rather than conquering.
It makes sense to focus on partnerships rather than attacking the market.
Love in business, it just makes sense.
P.S. — The two books every growth-oriented professional should study and master:
- The Outward Mindset by The Arbinger Institute
- The Amare Wave by Moshe Engelberg
P.P.S. — Want better relationships? Get this free guide now!
I’ve created a quick guide for mastering professional relationships, immediately. If you follow this one MAIN truth and actionable steps found inside, your whole life will improve, quickly.