The way of the grand design will be calling you, and it will be far bigger than you can think or vision in your current consciousness. You will be called to take your position through listening and communicating with a higher power. A power that speaks of world change and a new way of understanding as we truly begin to relate to self, to others, to purpose, to planet and to the infinite source of wisdom.
Returning to a natural way of being…
How do you return to your natural way of relating to each other, your natural way of living, your natural way of honouring, of protecting, of providing, of creating honour and worth amongst all people. Early settlers knew these ways because they communicated, they communicated with the planet, with nature, with the elements, with the stars, with the entire universe and cosmos. They understood the power of wisdom and the now ‘secrets’ were just a part of everyday life. They were kept in honour and handed down from generation to generation.
We are moving into a new paradigm where there is a desire, there is a stirring of spirit, heart, body and soul that speaks on an inner level, hidden, unconscious and unaware. This can be confusing to integrate to understand the stirrings of the passion within the heart and soul to return to ways that have been lost.
One will be confused with these emotions, these feelings, one will find inner conflict and crisis with these feelings. These feelings are a calling to connect to the energy of the self and all things. You are not many souls, you are one soul and the whole health of the one soul is to come back into collaboration and connection with each other. This part is your ownership to honour the part of you, the spirit of you, in the responsibility of the self and in the responsibility of the collective oneness. It is only then that all things can be pieced together and come in to complete prosperity of lifeforce, of breath, of planet, of man, of woman and animal and plant.
Before there is more destruction, for the destruction leads to more separation, so we bring to you our way of aiding and supporting you for there is a dimensional movement in consciousness that has a cause and effect in the rising of spirit and soul and in the returning to lost ways and lost knowledge. It is our aim in this wisdom to raise awareness to educate, to inform and to share so you have a level of understanding and discovery and openness where you understand on a deep level the lost ways.
In your understanding there is an automatic instant transformation that is not time limited or time dependent. Your awakening is instant. As you awake from sleep you instantly awake, you do not wake up and then say I am awake three days later. You are awake. It is the same process.
There are 12 laws of ascension
There are 12 laws that lead to ascension for you are coming into understanding, you are coming into a way of being, you are coming in to a new emotion, you are coming in to a new movement, you are coming in to new ways, you are coming into waves of thought form and enlightenment and the laws that we speak to you of is what you will be experiencing and discovering and understanding and deciphering as the waves take you towards the wisdom to return and restore the balance and connectedness to a collective conscious that returns as one where you all related and interlinked together.
So you are all carrying many emotions, you are all carrying many myths, you are all carrying judgments and criticisms, you are all carrying a matrix, a DNA of patterns and behaviours. Much of this does not support the new way, the new energy, the rising and so the cosmos collaborates, every planet collaborates including the one you live on. To help you weave the ways of your ancestors, the ways that every breath and footprint leaves purity and beauty and peace and so we are aiding to bring to you through your experiences and your emotional body waves, energy, frequency, waves of experiences, waves of emotion that allows you to open up to the possibility, capability and capacity to release all that does not serve you. For you are clearing out, cleansing, clearing the clutter, taking ownership of every experience of every emotion, every experience for it is forming matter, forming consciousness, forming more experiences in the ownership that everything starts and ends with the self.
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Julie Anne Hart is also the Founder of, a spiritual education platform. Our courses will allow you to challenge, disrupt, and break free from traditional thinking using consistent and constant integration of the five elements (cultural, social, mind, body, spirit) and how they relate to today’s amorphous world.