After the deconfinement, a certain relaxation is felt in France on the wearing of the mask and the physical distancing measures. Health professionals therefore fear the imminent appearance of a second epidemic wave. However, the French are still suffering the psychological consequences of the first. In particular, it caused protean mental disorders in them.
Many actors have participated in actions against Covid-19, from hospital staff to pharmacists, including health insurance organizations. As a result, the relaxation of the French worries all professionals directly or indirectly touching the health sector. This is particularly the case with mental health specialists.
The current pandemic has caused a significant deterioration in the psychological state of the population in France. The situation has not improved with the deconfinement. Other mental disorders have just replaced the anxiety, distress or even the loneliness felt during confinement, which risks making mental health problems persist.
Several studies reveal the effects of the health crisis on the mental health of populations
The country of origin of SARS-CoV-2, China was the first to experiment with containment and to see its impact on the population, including on the mental level. As early as February, local health authorities published studies observing the effects of the health crisis on depression and anxiety. The deterioration in psychological state has been particularly pronounced among young people.
Since then, several countries have confirmed these first data from Beijing. These analyzes have also been corroborated by international studies. Moreover, some specialists are already talking about the idea of a second wave of mental disorders linked to the health crisis.
According to these experts, this is not a new wave, as on the epidemic level. The second wave of psychological problems is already present, but is slightly different from the first. It manifests itself above all through the need for psychological support and care. In addition, this phenomenon can be observed across the world, on the same scale as the Covid-19 pandemic.
No return to normal anytime soon?
Since March 2020, Public Health France has carried out a study on the evolution of the mental health and behavior of the population throughout the territory. The investigation demonstrated the harmful effects of confinement on the psychological state of the French.
According to this study, the mental health of citizens deteriorated significantly during the two months of confinement. This phenomenon has notably resulted in a sharp increase in the prevalence of anxiety, depression, sleep disorders, etc.
The investigation was continued after the lifting of the health system on May 11. Thus, the authors of the study were able to observe a slight decrease in these figures on mental disorders. However, the indicators have not yet returned to their usual level.
According to specialists, it is difficult to determine with certainty the return to normal in the field. Indeed, analysts have a certain lack of visibility in relation to this unprecedented health crisis . In addition, the disparity in prevalence by profile (age, sex, standard of living, diploma, etc.) further complicates forecasts.