The Darkest Times Lead to the Greatest Developments
Fate is an inescapable reality of life. Depending on whatever fate has in store, every human knows that each day is a different one. While balancing the joyful moments, trials, and tests, one eventually learns to deal with life. Trying and getting back on one’s feet again after every failure eventually leads them towards success. Some days may be hard but there are days that bring happiness. This balance contributes to the overall cycle of human life. Maintaining this balance requires extensive hard work and determination.
It’s a well-known fact that not all one wishes for is achievable. As mentioned earlier, one needs to try hard to achieve their goals and dreams. People may come across many failures in the way leading to success. This makes progressing in life long yet worthwhile. Yes, every human being faces life’s challenges, but only a few emerge to narrate their part of the story. ‘Larry C. Hill’ is one such individual.
Larry C. Hill is an I.T. professional. He has been serving in the world of technology for 26 years. Residing in the United States, Larry served his country as a member of the United states Navy. He further study for a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, completing his degree from Southern Illinois University in Carbondale.
Larry perceives his life as a challenging one. He believes that one must never give up on their dreams and goals. As a person of color, Larry had to face different challenges but, he was a firm believer, ‘Losing hope is never an option.’ Larry quoted it in a statement, “I would describe my life as a black boy that eventually grew into a black man. A man who has faced challenges ranging from racism to heartbreak. A man who has overcome some pretty significant events, from my father’s death to burying my daughter. A man that consistently found the will to overcome the worst of times.”
Penning Down the Story of Life for the World
Apart from serving in the technology sector, the talented individual also has writing as his facet. He has penned down the story of his life. From starting as an ordinary black man to becoming an ambitious individual, his book, Developed in the Dark, expresses his story as a person who successfully managed to overcome difficult circumstances,“I had to write this book to show the transparency of real life. Real stories of pain, death, brokenness. I also wanted to show the ability to heal and live a recovered life to express to my readers that you can be free from your past weight and guilt.” Accepting the fact that life keeps going on despite any occasion, Larry further quoted, “I want people to know that your life matters regardless of where you are in your life. It surely matters. Everyone has a future and an expected end that will be amazing. Bad becomes better, and better becomes greater. Your current position is not an indication of your future potential”.
Developed in the Dark, is about a young boy aged four who encounters his father’s death that too at his mother’s hands, although accidental. That event set him on a collision course of unpredictable decisions and wrong life choices. The book walks through Larry’s childhood. It highlights his journey of growing up in his Mother’s home. It sheds light upon the adolescent and teenage years when he suffered from identity issues due to depression. Following his adult years, the book narrates the painful death of his 11-year-old daughter and how Larry dealt with every situation with patience. The conclusion embraces different phases of life. The walk-through of his journey perceives life as a beautiful one. It addresses that everything happens for a reason. Developed in the Dark, brings a thoughtful message that one should understand and accept everything as an experience – experiences that make one strong and independent.
Indeed, life is all about struggling and surviving through the lows as well as the highs. It’s about finding the will in oneself. Larry mentioned that he struggled with his identity as a man. It was not easy to overcome situations as quickly as possible. There were times he felt the need to be affirmed after being abandoned. Developed in the Dark,mentions the circumstances that he had to live through. Residing in the U.S, he faced difficulty in creating his safe space. It took quite a while for him to come out of the shell and discover his self-worth. This was a journey which helped Larry learn important life lessons. Through his book, Larry wishes to convey this to the world.
Another important aspect of life conveyed via this book is how everyone can have their inspirations and aspirations. There is no harm in achieving something different than what one aspires. Life is unpredictable, and you only learn once you start progressing in life.
“I aspired to become a professional musician. Since I can remember, I have had a love affair with music. I have always managed to find a song that expressed my thoughts and feelings no matter the situation or circumstance.” Conveying his perception of life, Larry mentioned how his inspirations changed from time to time, “Richard Wright was a huge inspiration. I remember reading his book (Black Boy) when I was in the 8th Grade. My children now inspire me. They all have the unique ability to re imagine life, and it forces me to reexamine my thinking. They inspire me to be the best version of myself.”
Developed in the Dark, reflects Larry’s personality as a content human being with strong moral values. The core message is to keep firm faith in oneself and never lose hope in dark times.
There is Light in the Darkest of Times
The focus of Larry’s book, Developed in the Dark, enlightens the lessons learned in the darkest of times. No matter how helpless one feels in a situation, there is always a ray of hope. Larry’s book concludes with a strong message stating that the darkest times promote the greatest development. Each experience is a new lesson and a lesson learned never goes as a waste. Embracing it as a part of personality development will eventually help one’s productive growth.