One day, the weather was a bit overcast, it was a Thursday and I woke up ready to receive her although I didn’t know yet.
She is a woman, she is mean and arrogant.
She arrives uninvited and starts talking.
She has that annoying, stridulous voice that penetrates deeply in your brain.
She tells lies, she tells terrible lies that she knows, you will believe.
And the more you pretend she is not there and try to ignore her, the bigger she becomes, and prouder and stronger and her voice more persuasive.
The more you make yourself smaller under the weight of her lies, the bigger and more powerful she will grow.

On that day also the most dangerous of thoughts insinuated into my brain…’to give up’.
But then while I was there, petrified, humiliated and on my path to loose my battle, I looked at her straight in her eyes and while for a split second I felt scared, I realized that for the whole time I had a weapon to defeat her: the Truth!
My truth, my reality, the real progress, the winnings big and small I far too often forget to celebrate were there with all their weight to make her crumble under the beauty of what I was and the grandiosity of what I was going to be. My inner magic was manifesting.

I have met her again after that time, because she doesn’t give up, but she arrived smaller, with less trumpets announcing her arrival, and left quicker than usual. I won.
Have you ever met her?
Tell me how it was? Did you find your magic weapon to defeat her?
Let me know at [email protected] or here http://www.maragirone.com