The decision of ICAI to first withheld and then cancel the result of the students who protested against them and voiced their concerns over different issues is draconian and injudicious in every sense. NSUI condemns this draconian act of ICAI and stands strongly with the students and their rights. NSUI has submitted a representation to ICAI requesting them to rescind their decision.
Nagesh Kariyappa, National Gen Secretary NSUI said that this is not the first time students have protested against the administration but never such impolitic steps were taken against the students. Protesting and voicing their concerns are their fundamental and democratic right and
NSUI firmly stands with them.

Harsh Bisaria, National Incharge NSUI Social Media said that ICAI is behaving like dictator in So called New India, In High Time of pandemic, protests, cyclone & BharatBandh students appeared in exam physically, though they where reluctant and raised their concern about ill preparedness of ICAI regarding exam & evaluation process. Is the sudden cancellation of exam and keeping result withheld is revenge against dissenting voices of students! It’s highly unfortunate to see the irresponsible behavior of ICAI against the students in crisis.

Harsh Bisaria said that The ICAI has shown same dictatorial attitude in November last year when they pushed students to give exams amidst Corona without any preparation from their own side & NSUI has voiced the concerns of students making them take necessary steps & find alternative ways for students regarding their concerns, we trended number one on twitter and our representative also met with authorities and made it possible.

They further urged the ICAI rescind their decision and safeguard the future of students as they are suppose to.
