Over the years, I’ve been humbled to discover, time and again, that when I feel I have no more to give—just then, I am asked to give more. And when I try, deeper gifts come out of me than I knew were there. In these unexpected excavations of my giving, I’ve been introduced to my deeper, foundational self that draws its fortitude and resilience from the Whole of Life. I have also discovered that, try as we do to labor the mind to solve every circumstance, the mind can only go so far. And so, when stuck, give. For giving cleans all the stuck places and then we can see with new eyes, and perceive with a new mind, and listen with new ears. In giving when we think there’s no more to give, in giving when we’re stuck, a deeper immersion in life is possible. And that immersion becomes our next teacher.

A Question to Walk With: In conversation with a friend or loved one, describe a time when you felt called to give even though you were exhausted. What did this experience teach you?

This excerpt is from my book in progress, The Ocean of Being.

New Webinar with Mark Nepo — The Fire of Aliveness

In this 3-series webinar, The Fire of Aliveness, Mark Nepo will teach about the challenges we face after such a long period of solitude. How do we open after being so closed? How do we reconnect after being so isolated? How do we know what to pick up and what to put down? In this series, Mark will address how we can be tender and fierce in our call to love each other, until justice and healing are the same thing. November 21, November 28, December 5 1-2:30 Eastern | 11-12:30 Pacific See more details at: https://live.marknepo.com/