The job is first and foremost about making money! This principle reflects an attitude that is often considered outdated today. The job provides financial security through wages and salary. In the meantime, however, the job is often much more – in both a positive and negative sense. Employees draw part of their motivation from confirmation at work, which they take home with them at the end of the day. On the other hand, stress does not only have an effect in the office. Those affected take the stresses home with them.

Ultimately, the pressure that weighs on employees can make them ill. This is not necessarily a new insight. However, awareness of the effects of stress on the job has grown in the past. And companies are increasingly aware of their own responsibility. One of the solutions is company sports. Woven as measures into workplace health promotion, sport helps reduce sick leave and absenteeism. What’s in it for employees in the end?

How widespread is company sports?

The image of the employer-employee relationship is still rather traditional. The employer gives orders, employees carry them out – without questioning the decisions and specifications. However, this image has begun to crack. Employees and employers are also partners in the modern world of work. Especially with a shortage of skilled workers becoming increasingly apparent, hardly any company can afford to “scare away” employees.

From a business perspective, company sports would be an option for positioning oneself as an attractive employer. In practice, however, the opportunities offered by company sports are still rarely used. It is estimated that around 320,000 employees are currently involved in company sports.

What does company sports do for the individual?

Health through exercise: In many professions, the proportion of sedentary work is high. This applies to web developers as well as insurance clerks or bank clerks. Company sports can create a sensible balance here. On the one hand, exercise naturally burns calories, which helps to reduce weight. On the other hand, strengthening the muscles counteracts injuries. After all, muscles are not only there for movement, they also protect the underlying tissue.

Reduce stress in a targeted manner: New emails keep coming in, the phone is constantly ringing and the deadline for the launch of the next project is approaching. In recent years, stress in the workplace has increased. Those who take the stress home with them risk effects on their health. Stress hormones, for example, can adversely affect the health of blood vessels in the long term. Sport provides a balance – and prevents the stress hormones. In this way, company sports contribute to the personal health of the individual.

Sport as team building: Company sport is now often offered in the form of courses or training sessions for a group of employees. Together, it is possible to overcome one’s inner weakness and it is an incentive to train with others. At the same time, this creates a basis for finding common interests – for example, for the topic of sports and sports betting in leisure time and the exchange around new sports betting apps on sites like


  • Kimsea Brooks


    Nick Dee

    I am an inspirational Youtube Creator who wants to help everyday regular people live their best lives.