Exercise is an important factor for both physical and mental health. When so many people work indoors, it can be easy to lose sight of the benefits that exercise has. Sitting or standing for long hours may be tiring, but it is not as productive as active fitness.

Exercise On The Job
High levels of physical exercise during work hours can actually cause more harm than good. This is partially due to the hours of exercise required. Construction workers exercise most of the day which can also lead to unhealthy levels of physical stress on the body. Repetitive movements that are made over an extended period of time can inhibit future functioning. For this reason, working out during leisure time is preferred.

The Mental Health Benefits of Exercise
Exercise plays a significant role in mental health. Not only does it feel good to lose weight, but endorphins also increase levels of energy and overall happiness.

Working out on a regular basis can actually change the brain chemistry to regulate anxiety and stress levels. By increasing both serotonin and norepinephrine, depression can be minimized or even eliminated in a natural way. Even with a low-intensity exercise regimen, exercise has shown to improve mood.

Although it may seem like expending energy would deplete energy, working out can actually increase strength and alertness. One study shows that six weeks of regular exercise can improve energy for those with perpetual fatigue. Even those with chronic illnesses such as HIV and multiple sclerosis can have an increase in energy from regular exercise.

In addition to mood functioning, memory can also benefit greatly from fitness. One of the theories behind increased memory functioning is the impact of a higher heart rate. When oxygen and blood flow reaches the brain from an increased heart rate, concentration and cognitive thinking are heightened. Exercise is known to cause the hippocampus to physically grow which can have a direct impact on memory function.

How Often Should I Work Out?
Working out on a regular basis can help reduce the risk of heart disease. While many people assume a work out has to last 30 minutes to an hour, this is actually not necessary to improve health. Exercise that improves cardiac health can be done for just 20 minutes for five days during the week. This can be as simple as walking around the neighborhood. For weight loss, using elliptical machines is more likely to produce results.

Physical activity that includes strengthening muscles is also recommended. By strengthening muscles, future mass depletion can be prevented. As people age, bone density can diminish. Creating a strengthening routine can help eliminate stagnation. Lifting weights or using exercise bands or push-ups twice per week will increase overall health for adults.

By exercising outside of work, working out can be compartmentalized as the fun, healthy activity it is supposed to be. Regular fitness can help boost mood, metabolism and mind for a better lifestyle. Whether you choose to visit the gym or use at home fitness equipment for easy work-outs, a routine exercise plan is ideal.


  • Sarah Surette

    Freelance Writer

    Sarah Surette is a serial entrepreneur, adventurist, frequent global wanderer, friend, daughter and most importantly, a mother to two amazing little girls.