Mahatma Gandhi once said that “the best way to find yourself is to make sure you lose yourself in service of other people around you.” Giving back to society and supporting the needy around you could be the epitome of home for many. If you have been serving other people through your giving, it is ideal for carrying on with this noble act. However, if you have not been giving, then it is time you consider giving. Here are a few reasons why giving should be part of you.

Supporting Others Around You
There are millions of people who are blessed, and they live comfortable lives making them potential givers.
As you walk down the streets, you will be surprised to find many people who depend on others with a loving, kind, and giving heart. Notably, it is a blessing to give than to receive as commanded by the almighty. Supporting the needy in society adds to their lives, and the same measure comes to you.

Grow Your Sense of Responsibility
Those blessed with a giving heart understand that this noble act requires sacrifices. You will learn to live a life free from certain things while you try to meet the goal of supporting the needy. Take some time to reflect on your life and change some of the spending habits that you deem less important to make other people happy.

You Know Your Worth
Regardless of the motive behind giving, you will feel good. Many give for selfish reasons, but the result is that they feel good about themselves. After sacrificing and giving back to society and touching the life of a needy person, then you can bask in joy; hence you build a culture of believing in yourself.

Giving is a Source of Joy
When you give back to society, you will trigger blessing and give hope to those you are kind to. Seeing their smiles and how they show their gratitude to you will make you feel happy and worthwhile. It would be best never to hesitate to help a needy soul; giving hope and supporting these people guarantees some degree of happiness.
Nobody is too poor that they cannot give; hence the little or much you have to ensure that you touch a life and be the ray of hope for them.
