The world and the figures that the Internet offers us are incredible and extraordinary. Originally created as ARPANET in the 1960s, in the midst of the Cold War, the United States led an exclusively military network, with the aim that, in the hypothetical case of a Russian attack, military information could be accessed from anywhere in the world. country.
In the pandemic, internet use and connectivity intensified to very high levels: homeschooling, teleworking and many offline activities went online. According to various studies , almost half of the users (47.7%) have made a video call this year, doubling this figure compared to 2019; 62.2% of those surveyed assure that they have acquired technology for their home since the beginning of the pandemic.
Ecommerce was, thanks to the pandemic, another of the stars. 96.3% of the people surveyed had made an online purchase in the last year. In addition, after the pandemic, 39.6% already claim to make most of their purchases through the Internet. SMEs had to transform themselves and learn in record time how to set up their businesses online. From quickly setting up an ecommerce to implementing chatbots. In combination with other tools such as WhatsApp Business, the borders of companies have been expanded so that SMEs can have direct contact with their customers. It is estimated that the market for VoiceBots – voice-based chatbots – will reach USD 40 billion in 2024. Their use would be impossible to think without all the knowledge and innovations that the Internet has accumulated in recent years:
Other aspects where the Internet enhances these reaches is social commerce, with the intensive use of social networks, platforms such as Instagram and Facebook. The central difference with respect to traditional e-commerce is in the purchase cycle: Social Commerce is a little more flexible and informal, and takes advantage of the spontaneity of social networks. In this way, a more direct purchase process is established in Social Media: in one place you can consult, buy, value, share an experience and recommend a product / service immediately and even create a community around a brand or company (fanpages and closed groups).
The Internet will continue to reinvent itself, transforming and transforming, breaking records and adding innovations. And May 17 marks 60 years of a new world.
Fun facts from the Internet:
Some curiosities of this network of networks that is already part of everyone’s daily life:
- The first domain registered was
- A single Google query uses 1000 computers in 0.2 seconds to retrieve an answer.
- IPv6 uses 128-bit (2128) addresses, allowing 3.4 x 1038 unique IP addresses. This is equal to 340 trillion trillion trillion IP addresses. Search what is my IP address on Google to find out if you’ve an IPv4 or Ipv6 address.
- The current estimate of Internet users is approximately 3.26 billion worldwide, or less than half of the Earth’s population.
- Most of the Internet use is not done by humans, but by malware and Internet bots, which account for two-thirds of Internet activity.
- The first spam email to come out was from a computer vendor named Gary Thuerk in 1978.