Anxiety and depression have emerged as prevalent disorders amidst Covid 19. The pandemic worldwide has resulted in increased cases of mental illness arising out of social isolation and loneliness. Various studies all across the world have revealed the importance of keeping psychological and physical health at par. There is a close relationship between the pandemic and mental health. Adam K Veron highlights the relation between mental health and coronavirus to help people battle it effectively.
Many studies have revealed that coronavirus does impact the brain in many ways. There are neurological manifestations related to the disease. These include impaired consciousness and cerebrovascular diseases. Thussome valuable guidance is necessary to cope up with the problem.
Adam Veron provides valuable tips for combating anxiety
• To combat anxiety and depression, you will first have to assess the mental state. Social isolation has defined boredom and mental stagnation amongmany individuals. The pandemic has exposed people to unprecedented situations that they never witnessed in the past. The new normal that is around the corner has tried to put everyone in bonds. According to Adam Veron, one very effective way to combat anxiety is by increasing your engagement in different activities. Try to get involved in the household chores so that you do not have time for boredom. If you encounter uncertain situations, it is essential to stay mentally active to motivateyourself to counter the problem effectively.
• Another essential aspect of Coronavirus is when people become hypoxic. It is a condition where the body’s oxygen level goes down, leading to a frightening situation. The scarcity of air inside the body can increase drowsiness in an individual; it is a new kind of perception that requires careful attention for rectification over time. Various studies have revealed the intriguing connection between coronavirus and the hypoxic state of an individual.
• Many mental disorders can get rectified with the use of increasing social connections. Try to be involved in social activities or rather a community activity while catering to social distancing norms. You must alsoengage inphysical activity even when home confined, as stated by Adam K Veron. Increased training level will also lead to the development of a positive state of physical and mental health.
• Staying positive is of utmost importance in the midst of unprecedented situations. You may get involved in various kinds of classes like online meditation courses and yoga courses for gaining mental stability.
The above-given points reveal the relation between coronavirus with depression and anxiety effectively. Various methods are available to combat the situation to help you lead an everyday life without hindrances. You may use them as it can help you inmultiple ways. Studies have revealed the effectiveness of various mechanisms, which you may explore for achieving mental stability.Hence you should handle the situation and accept the new normal. The faster you take the present crisis, the better it will be for your mental and physical states.