I’m 47, nearly 48 years old. I wear second hand clothes or those I design myself.
I am a certified eccentric, living life in my own way, to my own beat.
I live in an old cottage where nothing matches, there are no straight walls and I’ve given up trying to keep on top of the cobwebs.
I spend my days treading a fine line between chaos, complete madness, tears, joy, frustration, genius, incoherent rambling, exhaustion and frenzied activity.
I love deeply, I’m extremely sensitive, I have the concentration span of a gnat, I’m impatient, loyal, unpredictable and extremely curious.
Some days I’m sorted, I have cracked life and feel on top of the world. Other days, I’m a complete failure and utterly clueless about what the f*ck I am doing with my life.
But the one consistent thing I am, is honest.
Honest about who and what I am.
I do not ever want to hide my flaws, be ashamed of my story or loose my voice.
And those people who love me, can do so in the absolute knowledge, that what they see, is what they get.
That’s where true love, deep connection and contentment is to be found – not in the beautifully airbrushed, superficial illusion of life, we often see, because people are just too scared to show themselves, lest they see who they really are.
Just be yourself always. There really is no other choice, if you want the chance to live fully before you die.
A bit about me: I aspire to inspire people to be themselves, to embrace all of themselves, warts and all. To re-define our reality, to be more honest and sustainable. To re-define success, to be more diverse and focus on the stuff that really matters, not the shiny sh•t, that you cannot take with you anyway.
No-one will remember what car you drove, but my goodness, they will remember if you made them smile, feel good about themselves and accepted them for who they are. It is the gifts of kindness and understanding that will last beyond your lifetime, not the gifts of gold.
I’m a mum, writer, transformation consultant and all round eccentric, doing my own thing, in my own way, in the hope I can make others smile and love themselves a little bit more.
My blog, library of curiosity, daily inspiration and lots of other things, can be found on my website www.nikdavis.com.
My alternative and eclectic approach to fashion and design can be found at www.lillyisabella.co.uk.
Let’s have a conversation.