Faced with creating a “new normal,” families across the world have established new ways to bond in light of COVID-19. With many aspects of daily life completely changed, tension and distress have hit dangerous high points within many families. Schools have closed down, church services have been altered, and workplaces have converted to teleworking. No matter the situation, there is opportunity to find peace amidst the chaos; families have the chance to focus on their relationships with one another and bond more than ever.
The following are a few suggestions to help families utilize this time to grow their bond.
Take advantage of the time together throughout all this and gather for family prayers. Not only will the family be able to grow a stronger bond together, but will strengthen the relationship they have with God. Spend some time to meditate on the scriptures and study them together as a family. Even though religious services may be temporarily altered in part to the pandemic, many churches are trying their best to live stream worship services on Sundays. Make Sundays a day that you prioritize worshiping the Lord together as a family and tune in to the live stream worship service.
Work on fortifying relationships within the family. This has provided the perfect chance to work on strengthening marriages. Now more than ever, try to improve on your kindness that you show one another on a daily basis. Gather the family as a whole, and take the time to have an open discussion and create a mission statement for the family.
Even with all of the negativity around the world currently, never forget to make the most of the time with your family. Remember to have fun, and create memories that will last a lifetime. Have activity nights and do something fun as a family. It can be something as simple as baking a pie, playing board games, going on a nature walk, or having a craft night. Maybe create a photo album that can be reflected upon for years to come. Continue to have those date nights as a married couple, even if it means staying in to stay safe.