We all need a break every now and again but sometimes escaping with friends or family can be difficult, especially when we already have commitments at home. This can make travel difficult to achieve and often results in people giving up on the idea altogether. For Georges Chahwan, a trip away provides a welcome break from commitments, allowing us to relax and recuperate without worrying about what needs doing back home.
As well as providing an escape, traveling also gives us the chance to discover new places which can act as an antidote to stress or anxiety. The unknown is always something that brings with it excitement yet also causes worry; by stepping out of our comfort zone we’re able to experience new environments which help ease any negativity associated with the unfamiliar.
Without the opportunity to try new things our days become defined by doing the same old routines at home, which can lead to feeling run down and low on energy; it’s time for a change. Not only this, but it acts as a counterbalance, said Georges Chahwan, for those living monotonous routines day-to-day.