Leadership styles vary from person to person and the following TED talks show just how diverse some leaders approach leadership. When people think about leadership, they usually think about the power to influence, inspire, and create. However, leaders encompass so much more. Some amazing influencers, entrepreneurs, and business moguls have shared their outlook and methods of leading their teams. Many shared their successes and even failures when it comes to leadership experience. The following are some of the best TED talks for those looking to take on a leadership position:
How Great Leaders Inspire Action – Simon Sinek
In this TED talk, Simon Sinek explains the key similarities in leaders like Martin Luther King Jr., Steve Jobs, and other influential people. He explains that the key difference between leaders and everyone else is that leaders take the road less traveled and do things oppositely from the rest of the world. He explains this concept of starting with the “Why” as the Golden Circle. Once a person knows what they want to do and why they want to take those actions, they are in a better position to lead others. Great leaders always have a mission and vision that they want to share with others.
How to Start a Movement – Derek Sivers
Derek Sivers shows a 3-minute video of a man dancing in his speech. During this video, the man is dancing by himself at a concert a being recording unbeknownst to him. In the video, the man is not looking over his shoulder to see who’s judging him or who will join him. Sivers explains the power of having confidence and certainty in what one does as a leader. By simply displaying a high level of pride and confidence, this inspires others to join which ends up creating a movement.
Dare to Disagree – Margaret Heffernan
Margaret Heffernan explains the implications of sitting in what she calls “echo chambers”. Leaders ask questions that no one else asks and challenge the status quo. This is why many great leaders stand out from the rest. By daring to disagree, leaders step outside the box and find new solutions for reoccurring problems. By disagreeing, there is more constructive conflict. By agreeing on everything, no real progress is made and people become stagnant in their progression.
This blog was originally published on AdamMarquardt.net