How our personal paradigm governs our life, and on the importance of getting to know and to change our core beliefs and assumptions
Today I want to start a new conversation about paradigm shift. I am talking about a [personal paradigms we form, rely on and let run our reality. It is this personal paradigm that dictates our reactions, determines our actions, as well as allows or denies us permission to act upon our true desires and goals in life
I. Your Personal Paradigm
First of all, lets understand what I mean by the personal paradigm. For me, it is simply a set of core assumptions, beliefs, so called ‘formulas’ and truths I hold about reality and myself. Those are the core operational principles of my life, and of me as a person. In the course of my research on the power of mind, the role of the subconscious beliefs and convictions we carry around in shaping our reality, I have come to realize that it is of paramount importance to become aware of what elements constitute our paradigm. In other words, what are the permissions, truths, limitations, possibilities, talents, rules and formulas that we believe in and constantly use to interpret our reality and respond to it.
As you become aware of those elements in your personal paradigm, it becomes important is to ask yourself why do you believe XXX, and how do you know that XXX is the ultimate fact, limitation, truth and is valid for you? Whose voices are dominant and present in your paradigm? Your own experience, your own observations and knowledge acquired in your adult life, or are those voices of other people, opinions and early programming from your past which you have obediently incorporated into your consciousness?
To become aware of the content and core elements of your own paradigm, you can simply answer several questions. Let’s divide your paradigm to core four areas: health, money, relationships, fulfillment of your purpose. You can quickly write 10 to 20 ‘truths’ or ‘core assumptions’ with regard to every area in a following manner (taking money as an example here):
- Money is always…
- To have a lot of money you have to…
- I can always have money if I…
- I cannot have more than XXXX money because…
- People who have a lot of money…
- In order to have as much money as I want, I would have to…
- It is impossible for me…
- I cannot…
Every ‘truth’ or statement of that sort is indicative of your mental position in this area, and can lead you to some core assumptions which predetermine and dictate your relationship with money in your life.
II. The Greatest Gift Given to You is the Ability to Change Your Mind
Secondly, the most important message I want to put through today is that you can consciously change, adjust, transform and ‘upgrade’ your personal paradigm. Putting it simply, when you come across an idea, personal ‘truth’ or core assumption which is painful, limits you or denies you a permission to act or pursue some meaningful goals in life, you must realize that you can change it. Most importantly, you and only you have the power, authority and ability to change it, because nobody else thinks and decides in your mind. And your mind is the place where your paradigm was formed and is being sustained. Your mind is the place where your paradigm can be transformed, adjusted and shifted to a whole new level.
Your core assumptions and beliefs about who you are, what you are capable of, what you deserve and are allowed to have or pursue – all form and constitute your personal paradigm. Your paradigm serves as your horizon, your ceiling or a wall beyond which you cannot reach. If there is a discrepancy between what you want to do or achieve and what your paradigm says you are allowed/supposed/capable of, then you will simply remain stuck, or blocked and unable to move forward.
The good news is we can and must reconsider and shift our perceptions and beliefs if we find them limiting and blocking us. It is not only possible but absolutely necessary, considering that most of those core assumptions that still run our adult life were internalized and entered our consciousness years and years ago, without our conscious choice or participation. The only person who has an absolute power and authority to accept, deny, approve or negate thoughts, beliefs and ideas in your consciousness is YOU. The only person you need to convince is also YOU.
III. What are You Really Capable Of?
Today, I want to leave you with the few important questions. What are the three core beliefs/ideas/assumptions in your personal paradigm that you would want to change, and why? What are the three things you could and would do, if you could cancel and completely forego/transform the abovementioned limiting beliefs in your consciousness? What are the three things you would like to do, achieve, create or have before the end of your life, and does your personal paradigm support and permit you to attain those goals?