The pandemic is one big get along shirt. 

The get along shirt- The concept of the shirt was to place two arguing siblings inside the shirt until they got along. They had to be close to each other until they could talk it out and heal the problem. Often, laughter and silliness ensued and the shirt continued on to do what it does best… create sibling magic. 

Much like my daughter’s chickens who are still learning to get along, as you read in last week’s The pecking order is a real thing, we, too, are being forced into one big get along shirt, also known as our homes.

Throughout the pandemic, we have been forced to remain home and interact with our families, and ourselves, in an entirely new way. For many, there is no longer an escape to work or going out for the night. You are being forced to look each other in the eyes and to find new ways to get along. 

Energetically, the reason this shirt works so well is that in being forced to be near each other, the children’s energy fields intermingled.

We all have an energetic layer surrounding our body called our aura. Our aura sends out and absorbs necessary energy and is able to read your surroundings. This is how you are able to walk into a room and know someone may have been arguing or talking about you. The “awkward” in the room is your aura reading their energy. 

As I teach all of my students and clients, our aura is our superpower and should be utilized as such.

We also subconsciously depend on it to attract the people and energy we need to nourish us in our lives. As we heal ourselves and know what we want, we attract what we need.

Not attracting what you want in your life? Adjust your energy and you will attract something else.

Like attracts like. 

The behaviors that irritate us about those around us are typically the very things that we are seeking to change about our own self.

Like attracts like. 

This past week, I complained to my husband about something he was doing. The very next day, my daughter, husband and I were eating lunch together and she complained about that very same behavior in me. My husband and I laughed out loud because she even used the same descriptive words. It was hilarious and illuminating.

That mirror of self awareness was crystal clear and helped me shift my own behavior. 

And that is what I want for you during this time within your get along shirt too- time, energy and space for you to reflect on yourself and to have others reflect back to you the very things you are pondering.

As we get along with ourselves more, we are going to get along with those around us better. 

One has everything to do with the other. 

As you work through your own Get Along house, see how the energy of those in your pod nourish you or strengthen you in some way. How can you nourish those around you? How are they mirroring traits within you that you long to change? 

Still struggling?  Join me for this week’s meditation, The pandemic is one big get along shirt, where we will write out a list of the behaviors that are driving you crazy about those around you and begin to recognize where they exist within you. Once completed, we will soften the energy between you and those you are at odds with so that more love is experienced between the two of you. It is a great meditation just in time for Valentine’s Day! 

Want even more aura healing?  Often we hold onto other people’s energy, especially when we are living in close living or working environments. My Empath Tools 101 course offers a powerful solution and meditation to help you empower your energy and your life. 
