Diversity and inclusion in the workplace is more important than ever before. While the social and business benefits of having a more diverse team are often discussed, the impact of inclusion in the workplace on employees’ mental health is often overlooked. Diversity and inclusion build incredibly strong teams, but they also contribute greatly to well-being. Below are just a few of the ways more diversity and inclusion can benefit your team’s mental health. 

Supports Positive Self Esteem

No one wants a team that second guesses every decision they make. You want a team that exudes confidence in the work they do. They were hired for their skillset and need an environment where they can do what they do best with confidence. When employers celebrate a person’s identity through encouragement and support of their work, they can create an environment that allows everyone to thrive. The more comfortable all of your employees feel and the more freedom they have to be themselves, performance and the quality of work will quickly improve. 

Enhances Job Satisfaction

Nothing threatens job satisfaction quite like the lack of opportunity for career advancement. Businesses need to implement in-depth plans and training programs to ensure everyone has a clear path towards a promotion. Inclusive teams are twice as likely to receive career development opportunities than their non-inclusive counterparts. In addition, studies show inclusive teams are 19 times more likely to be satisfied with their jobs. The more successful your employees feel at work, the more satisfied they will feel. 

Decreases Prejudice and Discrimination

In-group bias is the tendency a group has to favor their own group over others. The more teams leave a person out, the more likely that person will feel bias against them. People extend greater trust and collaboration to their group, so it’s important to keep groups as diverse as possible to stop seeing employees as ‘other’. 

This in-group bias is closely related to self esteem. The higher the self esteem, the lower the chances of prejudice permeating the workplace. Keep your teams satisfied with the work and provide ample opportunities for growth to reduce discrimination. 

Promotes Work-Life Balance

Inclusive workplaces are also flexible places to work. Businesses that value inclusivity and diversity understand that life happens and frequently throws curveballs. By giving employees more control over when and where they work, you give them a sense of belonging and evoke a sense of understanding. When life gets stressful, find new ways to make work more flexible. The work will get done and your employees will benefit from improved mental health.