I saw a Post Malone concert this past weekend and both my boyfriend and I agreed that there was something very lovable about that guy. In jeans and a hockey jersey, he seems an unlikely heartthrob, but people flock to him nonetheless. So what does Post Malone have that sets him apart from others like him? What causes people to chant “Postie” with such enthusiasm as he walks out onto the stage?
I can boil the Post Malone Phenomenom down into 5 characterics (besides his insane talent) that make him (and anyone else) lovable:
- People can relate to him. Post seems like someone who might work at the local grocery store or who you could have gone to high school with. Its that relatability that makes him unique because, despite his major success, you don’t get the feeling that he wants to make a big deal out of himself.
- He’s self-taught. I read that Post Malone taught himself how to play the guitar by playing Guitar Hero! That’s amazing! That initiative is what got him going and it gives other people hope.
- He’s very down to earth. He comes across as a regular guy on stage, one who isn’t afraid to smoke a cigarette while strumming the guitar. His language and demeanor are simple and humble too- your average guy who hit it big time.
- He shows his appreciation. I can’t count the number of times he said “thank you” during the concert. He stayed for more than a half hour after the concert ended shaking hands with fans and signing autographs. I have never seen another perfomer do that. When you give, you receive, and you become even more lovable. Post knows that and people love him for it.
- There’s always a smile on his face. People who smile more are naturally more lovable. Post’s smile is so endearing that you can’t help but smile back. You get what you put out there in this world, and Post is spreading those smiles around, growing more lovable by the minute.