i love being able to see through my posts
how what is important to me now
has always been important to me
and i love reading the nuances of how i have felt over the years.
there is a healing practice that works like this post
the practice goes like this . . .
feel the pain the exists in your body
and then instead of focusing in on the feeling of pain
start to focus on the space around the pain you feel
and allow that space to fill the area of your pain
continue to grow the space that you feel
and then continue to fill the ever growing area of pain with this space.
to give an example of the practice
imagine taking a droper full of purple color
and emptying it into a glass of water
what happens?
the color of the water in the glass turns purple, right?
now take that same proper full of purple color
and empty it into the ocean
what happens?
the space dissolves the color.
in this same way,
if we increase the space around the pain
the space dissolves the pain.
i see this over and over and over again
as i hold space for people
and in that space, who they are not dissolves
leaving them to see who they are.
i say it in talking about my book, The Mosaic
the words are beautiful,
the story those words tell is simple and charming and life changing
but it is the SPACE between those words that will transform us.
let go
dissolve into that space
and let the pain you feel vanish.
this is my wish for you today.Report this