  • Blue light is considered “high energy visible light” (HEV). When we overuse the amount of screen time our eyes are exposed to, we expose our eyes to something unnatural and harmful. Blue light blocking glasses protect your eyes from blue light, and all the symptoms that go along with it. Deciding to use blue blocking glasses can keep your vision away from harm. 

Blue Light and Your Circadian Rhythm 


Benefit #1: Improves your circadian rhythm 

  • The first benefit is it improves your circadian rhythms The circadian rhythm is a natural, internal process that regulates the sleep-wake cycle and repeats roughly every 24 hours.  This means that your body has an internal clock that tells it went to be up and alert and start to wind down and regenerate for the next day. Blue light itself is not an issue. During the day the sun emits blue light to our visual system which is beneficial at the time because it signal to our brains that it’s time to be up and alert. However as time winds down and it begins to get darker in the day, our ancestors never were exposed to additional artificial light during the night. Without this exposure their circadian rhythm naturally went according to the natural rhythm of the day. We’re fortunate to live in a world where we have access to light at night to make us more productive and learn and do more… but without being aware of the dangers and methods of preventing the downsides of having light at night… real health issues and harm arises. 

Benefit #2: Helps with vision related symptoms 

  • A quick checklist you can run to to know if you need Blue Blockers is if you feel eye strain, headaches, dry eyes, can’t fall asleep, and blurred vision. Many leading bio hackers such as Dave Asprey and Ben Greenfield use the blue blocking glasses. Dave asprey states “You’re bombarded with junk light throughout the day and for much of the night — when you’re on your phone, working at your computer, or watching TV”.

Blue Light Protective Factor (BLPF) 

  • Benefit #3: Better Sleep: Similar to “SPF” for skin protection against the sun. Blue light blockers have a spectrum that makes them less or more effective in blocking the rays of blue light. The lenses of blue blockers range from 35-98. This is important to keep in mind whenever your deciding to buy blue blockers. The higher it is the more effective it will be to block blue light and keep your body in its natural circadian rhythm. Blue light confuses the brain thinking it’s still daytime. Theres now pretty stylish blue blocker glasses unless you went to totally nerd-biohack out. Experiment and see if this is the solution to sleep or any visual related health issues.
