Recordings of the history of team sports go as far back as 1,000 years or more. According to historians, Heavy Athletic Events held in Scotland during the time of the Druids were started as tests of conditioning and strength for Scottish troops. Other cultures have also used athletic events as a means of training and competition in preparation for war. To this day, soldiers undergo physical training that often involves some competition. For instance, during competitions cadets in military academies set aside their differences and work together for the good of the team–a practice essential in warfare.

Mental Benefits of Team Sports

The interplay of individuals on a sports team can provide players lifelong skills, such as how to interact with others and not be selfish. When one works with others on a team, he or she learns that when the team wins, everyone succeeds. Conversely, when the individual makes mistakes, everyone on the team is hurt. When a team member must account for their actions by assuming responsibility for errors, this accountability aids in maturation. Also, being able to accept failures and learn from them is part of acting in harmony with co-workers and having successes later on in life.

In modern times, sports have become popular since the competitive spirit, rivalry and camaraderie are natural to human nature. Team sports especially have a value that extends beyond the merits of physical fitness. Research has proven that team sports support the development of youth, leading notably to mental and social maturation. Young people who play team sports learn to be generous and cooperate with others, to accept their roles, to become competent in fulfilling these roles, and to exhibit appropriate behavior in group settings.

Physical Benefits of Team Sports

Studies have shown that children who participate in team sports also reap positive benefits from the physical activity. Studies conducted by the Canadian Fitness and Lifestyle Research Institute suggest that physical exercise effects short-term relaxation in the body, as well as enhanced creativity, better moods, higher problem-solving skills, improved memory, and concentration. These psychological benefits, in turn, can lead to higher grades. Furthermore, students who play sports are often likely to go to college and graduate with honors. Often, they attain better positions in their careers, allowing them to contribute well to society.

Moreover, being involved in team sports can help your children interact better with those around them and adults as well. In my work life, I have learned that people who had team sports involvement in their youth tended to be better participants and more activity engaged in work projects than others who only played individual sports or no sports at all. For me, that background in team sports as children usually develops into professionals better able to handle multiple tasks and work better in group dynamics. What has being involved in a team sport taught your child?

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