It was the year August 07, 1905 when the Swadeshi Movement started to boycott the use of foreign goods and start using local goods instead. It was a part of Indian Independence Movement and was an economic strategy to revitalize local economies in India and improve the condition. I think that was the moment where a leader like Mahatma Gandhi embarks the beginning of going Glocal in India, although it was a fight for freedom however he promoted khadi & chakra which can market globally as well to target local markets. “Khadi is the sun of the village solar system. The planets are the various industries which can support khadi in return for the heat and the sustenance they derive from it. Without it other industries cannot grow. But during my last tour I discovered that, without the revival of other industries, khadi could not make further progress. For villagers to be able to occupy their spare time profitably, the village must be touched at all points. ~ Mahatma Gandhi”
The buzz word “glocalization” is an extension of “Think Global, Act Local” and the phrase is known to have started with Scottish city planner Patrick Geddes, it was later adopted by environmentalists. It means that you consider the needs of the entire planet before you take action in your city or hometown. For an e.g. launching a campaign of using paper bags instead of plastics in your neighborhood is one of the best instances of glocalization from a socioeconomic perspective. Using paper bags not only helps to make your town environment friendly and efficient, but it also benefits the planet overall.
During this pandemic, small acts of focusing on sustainability of your local environment will add up slowly leading to a change in your neighborhood, then a community, a city, a state, and so on. It can also be applied to food consumption, politics, corporate MNC’s, the arts and much more.
The Versova beach in Mumbai was one of the filthiest beaches, which was a dumping ground for the residents and also coupled with the trash that the tourist would leave behind. As much as we complain about plight, nothing changes until we walk the walk. Yet we blame the government for all our woes, when sometimes all we have to do is just show up. It took only one man effort “Afroz Shah” to turn that beach into where we can witness Olive Ridley Turtle hatchlings after 20 years today. All he did was step up and start picking up the trash, a couple of other joined, a community came forward to support, the entire city came and so on.
“The Service you do for the others is the rent you pay for your room here on Earth ~ Muhammad Ali”
Develop locally! It can be an idea, a brand, or a company. These are more authentic and meet the needs of our immediate environment. With technology, they can become global. Imagine all of us doing something positive, the clusters of it all will create a ripple effect. The government is part of the problem, but we compound it. The changes we envisioned for the world stars with us, one step at a time.