When people think of and envision a great leader, gender shouldn’t be a factor. More often than not, it is. Much of the time, people will picture a man in a position of power or leadership. This is mostly because, throughout history, there have been significantly more male leaders than female leaders. This needs to change, and an excellent place for women to take on leadership is through entrepreneurship.
Time and time again, women have shown they can achieve greatness. But there is a massive lack of women entrepreneurs and business owners taking control of their industry. This is why the world needs more women entrepreneurs.
More Representation
More women need to be able to see other women succeed. There is an entire generation of girls to set an example for, who need to see someone who looks like them in a power position. By having more women in representation, it will make the future generation feel empowered and that they can become leaders too. Whether it’s a woman in government, running her own business, or even flying off into space with NASA––which are all typically fields dominated by men––representation will show that any gender can lead.
Leading Innovation
It should come as no surprise that woman-owned and operated businesses are held to double standards. Local investors often consider them a greater risk of investment because they think they are more likely to fail. Even though no studies have shown that women-owned businesses are more likely to fail, this double standard has held them back and caused them to take the lead in innovation at the same time. Because women are viewed as more of a risk, they have to work harder to prove themselves which leads to creating new and better ways of doing business.
Women Make Great Leaders
Statistically speaking, women are great leaders––sometimes better leaders than men. Although society has told them time and time again that they don’t have what it takes to lead a boardroom or run a successful business, women have shown that this is simply not true. Women have shown how much better leaders than can be compared to their male counterparts. With countless studies and real-life experiences to back it up, it’s been found that women-founded businesses earn 2x the amount per dollar invested than those founded by men. These businesses also generate 10% more revenue over a 5-year period.
Studies have also found that companies with diverse leadership teams are more innovative and make more money than those without. It has also been found that female CFOs, on average, bring their companies a 6% increase in profits as well as an 8% increase in stock return compared to men. Women on average will bring their companies an additional $1.8 trillion in cumulative profits. In more recent news, during the pandemic, women-led countries were more successful at handling the virus and its effects than countries led by men.
This article was originally published on https://FerneKornfeld.com/