You must know, this is not an article, this is an invitation. Sit at the table and let us involve ourselves in the coziness of a steamy cup of love. We will recommend adding a shot of confidence and top it off with hope.

PCOS affects 1 in 10 women, 50% are undiagnosed, and it is the number one cause of infertility worldwide. Tianna Trinidad has lived and suffered the consequences of wrong steps while struggling with PCOS. Through her company, Love Served Warm; she created the PCOS Hormone Blueprint to ensure more women are blessed with the gift of being a mother without crazy diets, pills, or giving up on the things they love.

Preemies and nurses

Tianna Trinidad’s story has many colors. She’s the result of Puerto Rican salsa, combined with Nigerians seasonings. After living under New York’s city lights all her life, her family moved to Florida. A life blessed her mom with the gift of a second daughter who came earlier than expected. 

Tianna knew it was time to put on her big girl pants after her sister was born within only five months of her mother’s pregnancy. A supposed celebrated moment in her family’s story turned into long days and nights between white hospital walls. 

Since her mother couldn’t work, her family lost everything. They directed every thought and effort towards the hope of her sister’s surveillance. This was the fire that ignited Tianna’s passion for studying nursing.

On the leather chair at the office of the school, Tianna shares how the conversation she had with the school’s representative turned from her story to the narration of how much she had learned by taking care of her sister. Days later, shocked, Tianna received the news that this conversation led her to win a full scholarship for nursing and a position at the intensive care unit at the local hospital where she took care of preemie babies just like the one at home.

She also became the first college graduate in her family.

PCOS, unconcern, and Logan

Growing up, Tianna was never thin. She was desperate to know the secret of being slim and beautiful, like her aunt. It turns out, her aunt advised her not to eat, and occupy her mind when hungry, which sounded pretty easy. But Tianna’s body craved sugar, so she gave up. After all, it was just a silly thing, right? She wanted every godly white carb that could melt in her mouth and get stuck on her hips. She struggled with anxiety and depression. Like everyone else, of course.

It wasn’t until an afternoon when she went for a check-up for something she was sure was a UTI that her doctor raised an eyebrow and explained that she had spent too much time on medical consultations only to have a urinal infection. “They sent me home with instructions that seemed all too familiar, limit carbs, sugars, and processed foods. They provided me with instructions to take OTC pain meds when I experienced abdominal pain and told me to return every six months to check on the size of my cysts”. Since she understood that her PCOS symptoms were not interfering with her lifestyle, she got that out of her mind.

With PCOS as a distant memory, she got married and got pregnant with Logan shortly and quickly. “I’ve been taking care of babies my whole life. This is going to be the easiest thing”, she thought. Later, Tianna was diagnosed with gestational diabetes. Her doctor sent her home with the exact instructions as the first time she knew in her heart that she would not commit.

It was six months during her pregnancy that Logan’s heart stopped. And Tianna swears that her heart stopped too. Doctors surgically removed the baby from her womb and the happiness from her life. Dark shades of grey painted Tianna’s life as she fell into depression and gained weight.

Rainbow babies and keto diets

A while after losing Logan, Tianna got pregnant again. She wasn’t entirely at peace until she saw her healthy baby’s eyes looking into hers. Tianna didn’t know how to tell her family, “The birth of my son didn’t repair the tear in my heart from the loss of my other son. There is no official period in a woman’s pregnancy when she feels it’s ok, or it’s safe”. 

Tianna shares that her dad, even when she lost all of her faith, kept on praying and said, “This will serve on a purpose for you.”

People from the outside only see the excess of weight, the mood swings, the constant visits to the doctor. They don’t understand. Food cravings, anxiety, and irregular periods at a particular stage are no ordinary things. They are your body’s way of shouting for help.

After welcoming her rainbow baby into the world, Tianna immediately started taking prescribed medicines that left her with tremendous side-effects. Later on, she discovered the ketogenic diet, and her life changed drastically. Tianna has learned a way of healing her hormones naturally in a way that is authentic to her. 

“Food is medicinal. Certain foods can have devastating effects on a woman with PCOS”. Managing PCOS is a matter of lifestyle change. It’s about understanding the food that you are consuming and some cookie-cutter diet, from a coach that doesn’t understand your situation, won’t heal your body.

Tianna treats women the way she wanted others to treat her. She wants to share the feeling of taking control of her own life, “The most successful thing I’ve done is become a mom,” she shares. She believes you can never be in the wrong if you do anything from a place of love and experience. That’s what her company Loved Served Warm is all about. It’s a journey of laughs, tears, and education where she helps women with PCOS achieve the life they want through natural recipes and enormous cups of love.